Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm alive! Really I am!

I have been SOO busy with my chicks it's been crazy. I had my first hatch ever hatch out and the last one is working on it right now :) 

Lets see..what had been going on here besides chickens and building a coop??  Well, Not a whole lot!  My niece may be coming over today to visit so Nic will have someone to play with.  He is up at grandma's right now, I told him I would call if his cousins got here before  he come home.  My son is on his last week of school and then he has his summer off.  We can't afford to send him to the wrestling camps this year as they cost hundreds!  I think last year we forked out 600 just in camps alone!  WHO can afford that every year?  WE CAN'T that's for sure.  Were lucky we  can afford gas right now!  So the only camp he will be going to is Lions Camp which is 25 bucks and we get that back if we want it.  I always donate it or let Stefan spend it in the stores there. 
My MIL and I are carpooling to the store once every other week.  I will drive with her and that way I can drive her in too...she can't drive again :(   

It's finally spring here!  Check this out! All sorts of blooms on our apple trees :) FINALLY Although it is still getting down to 30 at night.

 Lets see what other photos I have for you this week. 

We got our garden planted over Memorial day weekend.

The boys caught out in the rain while working on the coop...check out Stefan's umbrella he's the one farther back.

For those of you who don't read my Hangin Wit My Peeps journal I wanted to share this photo with you lol I have it posted there too. They REALLY love the peeps coming from my incubator!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Been slow here

It's been crazy here lately...with the chickens coming and lots to do yet around the house after family clean up!  I have been updating the chicken journal so check out the videos and the pics over there! 

Not much else going on though right now.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

After family blah

It's kind of been to quiet and sad here after my family left.  It's nice having someone here to chat to besides the baby.   Ha I still call him a baby even tho he's 3 now lol. 
Grandma just left for the weekend with a friend so now Nic is stuck home.  He doesn't like it as he enjoys running from house to house through the woods.  I think he's on the trail to and fro more then he is at either house.  He runs and runs and then sometimes takes flower picken breaks on the way.   It's entertaining to watch him.  

I get my chickens tomorrow morning so watch my chicken journal for lots of pictres.  Now I'm trying to get the temps right in the brooder box. 

I have laundry and cleaning to do before tomorrow as I know I will do nothing but play with chickens tomorrow ;) 

Still not been feeling the best.  Has a good day in between but then yesterday felt like crap again.  Chills, stomach ache but no fever this time.  Today I'm feeling better again.  Nic is still fine and so is Cory.  It was just Stefan and I who got sick. 

I posted lots of pics in my chicken journal from yesterday so if you want to check them out go HERE.  Hope everyone has a great day today ;) 

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What have I been doing??

Well I had company over the weekend and the guys have been building a chicken coop for see it visit my Hangin Wit My Peeps journal. 

Here are some pics I took over this past weekend:

nic watches from the dog kennel while the guys start the chicken coop

My sisters new doggie..he's part pom and part shitzu

my FIL working on the coop

This is what we got the pleasure of seeing after a hard days work on the coop!

First signs of spring here...this is the apple tree by the coop

Other then that...we have been a little ill.  Stefan has missed two day of school now with stomach ache/ fever/ and dizzy spells.

I had a fever yesterday but today I feel fine. Nic took good care of me. He's such a sweety!  He kept rubbing my hair asking if I was alright.  Then when I had to get up to go get cory he says "but mommy, you have a fever!"  lol  He has not gotten sick yet!  *fingers crossed*  Well gotta get going but I hope everyone is alright!

We got to meet Kassie on Friday (Stefan's girlfriend) she is really sweet. I really like her.  I hope he hangs on to this one for a while...well I guess I should say I hope she hangs on to HIM! The girls have been the ones breaking up with him lately.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Still alive/rant about my sister

Well I have pictures to share with my Hangin journal BUT one of my sisters wanted me to save her picture card on my iphoto to get a video on DVD for her and now something is wrong with it lol Could it be that she had 500 PICTURES on her card??? LOL  Iphoto went nuts trying to copy them all LMAO.  Instead of deleting them she wants to save them all on there...she makes copy's of them all (an actual picture) but she just can't delete them for some reason. I should have known she would be like that when she went to digital over film.  This women would not blink an eye to spend 70 bucks on developing loads of film.  I told her...Cheryl, go digital!  It's cheaper AND you dont' have to save the pictures you don't want.  Ha she does anyway! lol 

So now I have to have Cory try to delete her pictures keep putting them back on there when I delete them saying an error has occurred lol 

I will be back on later. 

Thursday, May 15, 2008


    It's been a busy week of cleaning up outside and trying to get all our trees we cut down burnt in our bonfire.  Were getting there but of course it's never ending work!  There is just so much to do outdoors.  I'm letting the indoors go and today I HAVE to clean because my sister and her family are coming to stay with me for the weekend.  My niece has a B-Day party for her kids and my sister stays here with me because she has dogs and I don't mind them staying here.  AND I have a kennel to put them in too. 

I have some pictures to share with you that I took today and last week.

Nic got this van free from a rummage sale for free last year because the tire was broken...grandpa soldered it and now it's his fav.  Stefan is of course eating lol  It's his fav!

MY fav is being able to listen to something while outside and hubby got me this handy gadget a while ago for my ipod :)  It's loud too!  And it only cost 20 bucks!

Our garden is ready to we are waiting for the soil to dry up a bit before we stick our plants in the ground! 

We are pulling out stumps and cutting all the dead trees down and burning them in our bon fire.  We have had a bon fire every day for the last week! lol  I love them!

Here is our bon fire area (below).  Nic is also trying to show you his key (above) to his van lol.

I have lots more pictures from today in my Hangin Wit My Peeps journal so check them out!  And see how far my chicken coop is getting ;)  We are starting the building tonight :) I won't be on this weekend most likely since I will have company...hope you are all doing ok out there!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

No Tech day

It' No Tech Night tonight so I won't be on after 5:30 so I thought I would come on to add an entry quick.  Today I had to pick Stefan up early as he was sick today.  He is still getting head aches even after the meds they gave him.  He has another apt coming up here soon and I plan on talking with them about  that. 

Today we plan on planting the seeds in the garden if it doesn't start raining before then!  And then I have to run into town to pick up Stefan's tux and get my rummage sale table into my sisters garage and start setting up tonight so were not walking zombies tomorrow at 7am!  That way we just have to carry out the tables. 

We also may play a board game OR go shopping at Menard's for our chicken coop stuff.  We are using the no payment/interest until 2009 option.  We like doing that...that way we just put the money in savings let it earn interest and pay off our loan when it comes due.  We do that most of the time.  A little way to make some money..not much but hey anything is better then none! 
What did we do so far today?  Well we were outside ALL day so far today lol Nic does NOT want to come's a very nice day here today...60 degrees!  And sun is shining with a little bit of clouds slowly rolling in. 

I got a package in the mail today...check HERE to see what that was ;)

Have a great day everyone! 

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rummage Sale/pic up tux/funny video

Well the last few days have been interesting.  Lets see...the last few days we have worked on the garden again (mixing in some peet moss), had a bon fire, got my incubator running, spent a day in town, and not sure what else. lol 

Sunday is where I left off on my journal last...that evening we tilled up the garden. I had set the seed on the back of Stefan's truck that evening because we were going to plant them but the soil was just way to wet after tilling it up.  It has rained the last few days so were going to wait for it to dry out a bit...anyway, so they were on his bumper and I had forgot to grab them Sunday  night.  The guys took the truck to work so my seeds went all over the road!  I think I found all the packets but two had been run over. I don't know if they are going to grow...we may have to pick up new seeds. 

Monday the 5th we tilled the garden one more time...added an extra bag of peet moss as we didn't add enough yet...we also had a bon fire for "No Tech Night" it was fun and WARM!  We really had the fire burning pretty hot!  We have SO many branches to burn up but we got a lot burned Thursday.  When we came in at 10 or so we all stunk to high heaven of smoke so we had to take showers and then off to bed we went.  Nic had been sleeping since 6:30 as he played most of the day outdoors with grandma. We just brought the monitor out with us. 

Tuesday morning my incubator got here!  See Hangin Wit My Peeps for pics and info on that.

Then that afternoon Nic and I went  into town to my niece Heathers house...she has three little ones and Nic loved going to see his cousins.  They still spat sometimes but not bad.  Nic goes a little over board at times when the kids are all playing together.  He gets so upset about little things..I think over time he will learn to adjust.  Her kids are constantly on the move...I MEAN BIG TIME! lol  And Nic isn't as active so he often gets upset with them. lol  Plus Nic NEVER has to share as he is the only little guy here!  His sister and brother are both pretty much adults now.  He's babied by both of them! 

Here is her youngest JENNA B (I call her)  Her real name is Jenna Paige  She just started walking a few day ago! 

Brady, Jaden, Nick playing cars

Brady wasn't quite noticing the photo session I was having....BUT THEN....

HE NOTICED!!!  He doesn't like pictures taken of him...if you take one you have to "throw it away"!  lol

This is what happens when he KNOWS a picture was taken of him...

Nic  did enjoy his time there and at 3:30 it was time to leave to go see Diego LIVE!  He choose daddy to go with him which I was totally fine with since I had shopping to do anyhow.  They spent an hour 1/2 at Diego and I spent time ended up being perfect.  I was done the same time as them ;)

Nic got a Diego mask thingy and we can't find it today....he's very sad.  I was going to take a picture of it but it's vanished!  I'm sure it's in the van. We will have to look when dad comes home.

We went over to grandma and grandpas house for a bit to bring them some stuff I picked up for them at the store and after about 30 min Nic wanted to go home...he was getting tired.  I played around with my incubator and the guys spent some time on WOW after having No Tech night last night they needed a little computer fun time I guess.  Nic went to bed and I patiently waited for computer time.  Finally got it after Stefan went to bed.  I stayed on for 1/2 hour and then off to bed I went! I had a bit of a dizzy spell from not eating dinner that night so I had a quick bowl of cereal and that helped. 

What are we doing today?  Well, prob cleaning...this house needs it.  AND laundry!  Don't plan on going anywhere as I don't have a car today!

We are having a rummage sale this Friday and Saturday at my sisters...neighborhood sale thing going on so there are hundreds of houses participating.  Her house is in a GREAT location and we did really well two years ago...even made it on TV as they interviewed us seeing how much money we made. lol

Hope you all have a great day :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tux and Gardens

Well yesterday wasn't as boring of a day as I had thought it would be.  I forgot I had to take Stefan to get a tux fit.  AND pick up his meds at target.  We can pic up his tux on Thursday.  Prom is SAT and he LEAVES on FRIDAY!  Close call there huh!?  He is going to Amanda's (a friend of his) Prom about 3 hours away from us.   She asked him a few weeks ago.  The only bad thing is...I won't be able to get pictures myself!  I hope her parents take a lot and share :)  Her dad called last night and he said Stefan could spend the night there as he had SEVERAL girls at his house saying what a sweet guys Stefan was and he never did anything wrong ever lol.  And he gets good grades.  So those things were a selling point for her father lol.  His daughter is also almost 18 and so is Stefan.  I trust Stefan completely so I'm not worried at all about him staying there.  He's taking his truck over and the girls wanted to rent a limo...not sure if they will but that's what they wanted to do.  Now I'm not sure if these other girls have dates to or if Stefan will be with a bunch of giggling girls on his own...either way he will manage ;)    They are all going out to a big dinner...Stefan's paying for him and for Amanda...I always tell him that the guy pays when it comes to something that is important to the girl.  Proms and homecomings are always very important to girls..more so then it is for guys so I told Stefan you want to make it happy and memorable for her.

Today?? we are getting the peet moss worked into our soil and then were going to go ahead and plant our garden.  I pray that it's warm enough!  That's all of our plans so far today.  Prob will take most of the day anyhow. 

I hope you all are having a great day today and that you have warmer weather then we do!  Although I can't complain to's getting close to 50 now!

Here is a picture of Last years prom...not Stefan's but his girlfriends.  They are broken up now, getting his tux reminded him of her.  I guess it made him think of her.  She has chosen to go down a wrong path with drugs and alcohol and Stefan didn't want to deal with that.  Understandably so!  But he still misses the girl she used to be.  Heck I miss her...she was such a sweet kid.  I hope she makes better choices in the future for herself. He has a new interest now and he really likes her.  Her name is Kassie and she seems really  nice.  And she treats him WAY better then Mel ever did.  He seems happy again now :) 

Stefan and Dawn (her prom) 2007


Saturday, May 3, 2008


I have a feeling it's going to be a very boring day today...the guys have plans to play WOW with friends (their still sleeping now so I got on computer while I could ;)  and I have NO clue what Nic and I will do.  I made bread last night and Nic wanted to watch Little House On The Prairie....SMART KID! lol  So that's what we did.  I just want it to warm up out of the 30's so we can spend some time outside!  AND STOP RAINING! 
I may just do some more cleaning...have to get my dads room ready but that I have to have Cory's help with since we have to move the computer and desk...can't do that on my own.  Well I could do the computer but not the desk.  I HATE the fact that it has to go back in our room but better there then in out living room! 
I want my dad to be able to have the basement so I don't want to put it down there either. 

Well that's all I have for you today...boring  That's what my day will be filled with.  OH I do have a movie "Juno" to watch...may do that since it's something I can watch that Cory prob wouldn't mind missing lol.   We also watched:

Alvin and the chipmunks:  Very cute kid movie! 

Friday, May 2, 2008

Pictures :)

I got my camera because I'm watching my  nieces boys so I told them to run by my hubby's office and grab my they did.  Now I can share the pics with you.

This is what Stefan and Nic did on one of our No Tech Nights.

He wasn't real thrilled at having this on.  Stefan had to hold it in his head so I could grab the picture.  He mostly just wanted to work on it but DID NOT want to wear it!

And of course my bread I make every other day...had to get that in there lol.

Ok I had to take this picture...notice that, in the background, you see the curtains up off the ground on either side of the tv stand?  Well, the reason for this is because Jack goes behind the tv stand and jumps at the curtains!  And tried to climb them!  He also jumped up at the doily under the lamps and pulled both lamps down a few times now!  You would think I would MOVE them right? lol  I can't stand not having them  under the just looks dumb! lol 

See the dogs interested in my "junk yard" (this was stuff I cleaned out from behind our  pole shed that was left from the previous owner) and it's all going out for spring clean up...just have to find out WHEN that is.
  Do you wonder what has their interest??

This is what they are looking for!  A groundhog who has made a home under our pole shed.  He comes out every day to feed in the grass. 

Now the plants...

Here we just planted them: APRIL 20th

Here they are a few days later on APRIL 25 just five days later. 

The Pole Beans had just ONE seed coming up

here they are two days ago on APRIL 29th: 

And here they are TODAY!  They are just growing and growing!  No fertilizer used ...but we are using organic soil.  I don't know if that has something to do with it but my plants have never grown so fast before lol. 

The pole beans are just crazy! lol This is just one week after they made an appearance.  Everything we planted came up which is really nice.  Now we just have to keep them alive for another week until we can get them in the ground. 

I'm kind of excited to see how many veggies we get from these.  Like I said...I have never done this before.  The only thing I planted were tomatoes and they were in a container.  I spent my flower  money on chickens this year so NO flowers for me...but that's ok. I won't have time to dead head them anyhow this year and they would have all gone to seed!

Well, it's the weekend so that means that the guys...well Cory...Stefan is grounded...will be playing WOW and I will be doing what I have been doing the last week and that's learning ;) 
Stefan's going to upset that he can't play tonight but its his own fault!  He didn't bother to get the garbage out BEFORE he started playing WOW at 6am and he is suppose to be leaving the yard at 7am BUT instead he JUST started getting ready and putting the garbage out at 7. So I imagine he was late for school today!  It won't happen again! ;)  I know this because he will again be grounded if he does it again and I KNOW he doesn't want that! lol   

Been a few days

OK, I have been pretty busy taking some time off of the computer learning about my chickens and getting prepared for them.  I haven't even cared that the guys have been hogging MY computer time playing WOW!   I have also been trying to learn about gardening since this IS my first year ever putting anything into the ground ;)   We planted seedlings that are growing like crazy and today our pole beans are up to nine inches tall!  Our garden is tilled and ready to go BUT the weather here has been crazy so I"m afraid to plant them yet.  I would hate to go through all the work and money to grow them in the house just to have the die once planted outside!  SO we hopefully can wait another week before we transplant them to the garden. 

Yesterday for "No Tech Night" we didn't do a whole lot...we had planned to till up some peet moss in the garden and get some thing planted but it RAINED all evening.  So Stefan climbed in the tub and enjoyed a book and Nic went to sleep early (by 7:30) and Cory read "The Omnivore's Dilemma) to me.  OH if you want to learn what IN your foods READ this book.  It's an awesome book and you will forever see corn differently from then on!  I can't even enjoy corn anymore lol!  Forget about chickens tastes bad to least most of it.  There is an occasional chicken I will enjoy if it's marinated over night.  After a few chapters I fell asleep on the couch (prob by 8pm)  Cory woke me up at 2am and asked if I was coming to bed lol.  I was just plum tired out I guess! 

About my dad:  He HAS decided to come stay with us :)  SO I need to get his room prepared for him and get the "office" stuff out of their and BACK into our bedroom.  Well, at least I got to enjoy a LITTLE "office free" time in there. lol  He will be moving in the middle of June sometime.  He wants to stay at my sisters house until after her son's graduation because it doesn't pay to come here for a few weeks just to have to travel back there for his party again.  He's worried about my sisters dogs...they are SO attached to him and they are the teeny tiny dogs so it's even harder on them because they seem to go through a depression stage after their "master" leaves them :(   I hope they are ok.  He has lived with her for eleven years and I think she is going to miss him more then she thinks too ;) 

I just hope he likes it here...I'm a little worried about that.  I hope he doesn't get lonely.  I know one pom is going to LOVE having him here. I'm sure he will spend all sorts of time with my dad.  We just haven't been giving him the attention he needs lately either. 

Well I had some pictures to share but hubby took the camera to work (I forgot to take it out of the van) SO I will add those either tonight or tomorrow.  I hope you all have a great day today!!!