Sunday, August 26, 2007

My missed day

Well I missed a day of journaling and this time it's my mouse!  It's been acting up and with an Apple computer you can't plug in another mouse.  We have wireless keyboard and mouse.  

Yesterday I got to watch my great nephew Brady again and the boys had a really good time.  I didn't get any cleaning done but it was still fun.  Nick loves having his cousins here!  I didn't take any pictures this time...I totally didn't even think of it.  We were outdoors most of the time.  They had tons of fun. 

Today we had a day of outdoor work.  Stefan and I worked our butts off  getting all the lawn evened out and mowed over by my driveway. I will take pics of it tomorrow so you can see.  We didn't do one side of the drive so you will be able to see a big difference.  It was not a fun job but it sure was worth our efforts.  Stefan is trying to find ways to make money so he can license his truck he bought.  And I told him I would pay him 7 bucks an hour to do this with me. It's VERY hard work and he earned his money today.  I think this week he will be going ginseng picking with grandpa to make even more money.  His work with his dad is already done so he can't depend on his regular job for money.  He did get a start of a stomach ache towards the end so I made him sit down for a while. 

WEIGHT WATCHERS>>>  I had weigh in on Saturday and I lost 1/2 lb!  better than the gains I have had the past TWO weeks.  I am doing much better this week and keeping my journal up.  That is my one keep my food journal the entire week. AND i need to show my MIL so I have to keep it up.  Other then this, nothing much going on around here.  HOpe you are all well!  I know lots of you have been dealing with a bad cold so I pray that you all get feeling better very soon :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 1/2 lb. LOSS!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss.  Every little bit counts and helps!  Enjoy your week.