Sunday, September 16, 2007

The weekend is FINALLY over!

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Today/the weekend has went really really good!  I did great and have not fallen off into binge land as of yet!  It's been 8 days now and I'm still hanging in there :)  I hope to look forward to another weigh in next week Sat. 

1901009001_37_13_2.jpg my favorite NFL team of all time the GreenBay Packers image by kitkattsh1

The pack WON!  Yeah!  Sorry to any New York fans out there!  We had a very boring weekend..the house is a mess and I really don't feel like cleaning it tomorrow but I suppose if we want to be able to walk thro it I better.

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We have all been suffering from a terrible cold! Runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, coughing!  I wanted to go visit my sister and  niece who came up to watch my nephews house and son but I didn't want to get her little baby sick so I stayed away :(  I sure hope this cold leaves us VERY soon!  We have had it yesterday and today.  I'm sure it will hang on a while longer tho.  Poor Nick can't sleep thro the night because he's always coughing...I give him meds and rub vicks on him but that doesn't seem to work all night. And so I am not getting enough sleep because I'm up with him.  Sucks!  Hubby has allergies on top of that so he's been real miserable.  And he has to go to work tomorrow. Tomorrow morning I'm going to have a nice big cup of OJ and a healthy breakfast to start fighting this off.  I sure hope Nick sleeps  all night tonight. 

No other news right now but just SO happy for the pack this terrific Sunday! 

29c4b5k.jpg bye image by oh_mygucci


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your teams win.  I was told last summer by an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor to use Saline Nasal Spray once a day to keep colds away, and once you have one....the spray will help to kill the bad cold germs & you'll be well quicker.  WalMart sells the Equate brand for less than $2 a enough for everyone in the family to have their own bottle.  Hope your feeling better soon.  Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

I hope you all get to feeling better soon.  Colds suck!