Monday, December 10, 2007

What a boring weekend.

Well, nothing real big happened this last weekend. I was being pretty lazy all weekend.  Watching the Packers game of course...watching some of the other games.  We watched some movies this weekend.  I will add those to the end if you want to check out how I ra†ed them. 

Nick did something new yesterday...he can ZIP things  now.  I think I scared the tar our of him when I freaked out in happiness for him!   Then after it sunk in that I was happy for him NOT crazy...he smiled and gave me hugs.  lol  Poor kid!  You should have seen his face the first time he pooped in the toilet!  OH my!  I was a happy mommy!  He also started a new game with me called "take my lips off my face"  when he takes my lips I can't talk!  Boy, he likes that's not always so fun for me but hey...I'm game for the first HOUR!  After that I put something on called "protection" (only thing that came to my mind at the time) so he can't them anymore!  Then he tells me "mommy take off ur tection"! Kids are so much fun aren't they!?

Max had a small "crazy moment" last night...I'm posting the video below. It was quite amusing really. 

lets see..what else did we do over the weekend...Oh I had to drive my son to the wrestling meet Sat even tho he couldn't wrestle.  He did get to keep score on the score board.  His best friend Trevor was wrestling for a different school so he watched him.  My best friend (Trevor's mom) was there working concessions and told me about Trevor getting a Disorderly conduct charge against him.  He may be kicked off wrestling.  It was over Myspace of all things!  He supposedly threatened a kid through messages.  He said his friend did it and he was telling him what to write?  How can they prove that I wonder!? 
We also went to dinner next door at the inlaws house.  We had ravioli lasagna which was better tasting then it looked! Then Nick wanted to go home to play so  he  played and we finished watching our movie.  That's about it for my weekend.  Hope you guys had a little more of an exciting weekend! 


"Are we done yet":  This the second one or "are we there yet" I think thats the name of it.  It was very good and if you like comedy's you will like this one.  The family decide to move to the country and buy their "dream house" for their growing family. 4 stars for this one. 

"Waitress":  This movie was ok...I would not recommend this for a man for sure lol.  It's a total chick flick and I think only us women can understand the happenings of this movie! Kerri Russell plays Jenna who wants to have her own pie business.  And she hates her husband and wants to divorce him but he is not a nice man so she is afraid to leave him.  My hubby did watch this with me and actually laughed a few times!  But he is a chick flick kind of guy even tho he says he's not ;) then ending was really cute tho. This one gets  3 1 /2 stars.

"Nanny Diaries"
:  Even tho this was a Blockbuster Exclusive (we usually don't like these much) it was a very good movie.  It was cute, sad, funny...a little of everything!  A young college student finds her way accidentally in a  nanny position and find it very challenging to say the least!  It's a very cute comedy with a little drama thrown in there too. This one gets 5 stars from me!

"Superbad":   This was a very funny show and I know Cory liked it for that reason.  There were a couple dumb spots in it but over all I really like it.  It was about these three nurd high school guys about to graduate and their only job is to get liquor to a party they were invited to by two hot chicks!  I think I'm going to have to rate this one a 5 too just because it made me laugh the most out of all the comedy's we seen this weekend lol. 

"Pirates of the Caribbean at Worlds end"  Now this movie was a GOOD movie.  You have to see the first two Pirates movies to "get" this movie so don't try watching it without seeing the first three, not nearly as interesting.  It would not make any sense...well at least the jokes within it wouldn't make any sense.  Johnny Depp plays the captain Jack Sparrow of course and his crew has to recuse him from Davy jones locker and then the nine pirate lords must join together to fight to preserve their freedom.  This is rated a 5 + from me.  you can see a preview of this movie here:   Pirates preview

The first Pirates of the Caribbean movie is called "The curse of the black pearl" and "Dead Man's chest" is the second. 

That's about all I have right now.  Maybe more later. 


Anonymous said...

I thought heck I just met this sweet girl and now she is not doing an entry. I m glad you did one. I LOVE that dog I want to hug that dog!!!!! i have to show tracy she will get a kick out of this. I LOVE HEARING NICKS LAugh!!!!!!!  sometimes its good to slow down and be boring I wish I could dang it!!!!! I love slow weekends IM redoing my livingroom and bath and guess what I m trying to hav ea dinner tomrrow for hnaukkah I got to get my butt in gear.

Anonymous said...

Brady loved the movie he kept wanting me to replay it over and over. I will have to rent a couple of those movies. The waitress is a chick flick for sure, Jimmy hated it.

Anonymous said...

I saw "The Waitress" in the theater and thought it was cute.   Sounds like it was a laid back weekend.  Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

THAT'S TO FUNNY!!! Loved the video. Oh my gosh, Kyan and Nick would get along so good. Don't knock the easy weekends they are few and far between. Glad you all got a chance to enjoy some movies. Thanks for all the reviews. I have not seen any of those movies.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

We watched the new Pirates movie this weekend too.  We loved it.  I didn't care for the 2nd one but this one was awesome.  Still doesn't beat the first one!  I liked Waitress as well.  Didn't care for Are We Done Yet!  

Anonymous said...

i remember when my kids did their "firsts" and i would just go off the deep end and they'd look at me like i had two heads! LOL
Megan, my 19 yr old, requested SuperBad for Christmas. She is really into owning DVD's that she can take back to college with her. Did you see "Porky's" in the 80's? It was so bad it was good.
lisa jo


Anonymous said...

Arent doggies fun!!!! We get to going similar to that with Tip sometimes...makes everyone laugh and laugh...doggies, love love them. Oh I am all for a boring weekend...seems like everytime I try to have folks over I get more than I bargained for, so I liked this past weekend, it was quiet, and I loved it. Got Pirates on the way today in the mail (Netflix). Cant wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

I used to have a dog that played like that.  He was a german shepherd mix and only weighed 45 lbs.  He was strong and had alot of muscle.  He would take us for a walk!  They are funny.