Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First Survey of 2008

Got this over at Brits Blog and thought it was cute.

First survey of 2008  ;-)

1. Where were you when the ball dropped for 2007? 

 At my nieces house playing games and we forgot to turn on the tv and missed it! 

2. How did you get the idea for your aol Journal name? 

It was a bar's name that we liked to go to (back in the day) and I loved the name because I was trying to "breakaway"  from my fat!! lol So it fit.

3. What are you listening to write now? 

Little Bear (my son is feeling better so he's watching tv)

4. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? 


5. What color underwear are you wearing?

Umm  none...I woke up and just threw on the first thing I could find lol 

6. Do you live in a zoo? 

Sometimes I do

7. What did you do this morning? 

I made breakfast (our dinner) and then drove hubby and Stefan to work and school then stopped at a gas station to clean up puke!  IT WAS FUN!

8. What does your mom do for a living?

My mommy is not with us anymore but she used to be a SAHM

9. Where do you work? 

Used to work at a hotel but now am a SAHM

10. What are your favorite smells?

Curve and I also like Drakar (sp?) for men

11. What are the last two digits of your phone number? 


12. What was the last concert you attended? 

Never been to one :( 

13. Who was with you?

no one obviously lol

14. What was the last movie you watched? 

I watched "Love comes slowly"  it was So cute! 

15. What do you dislike at the moment? 

the fact that my son is sick

16. What do you crave right now? 

Umm nothing really

17. Did you dream last night?

Not that I remember...after the last dream I don't want to dream again! lol

18. What was the last TV show you watched? 

Little Bear

19. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? 

 I don't own a lot but prob a braclett my hubby got me after we started dating. 

20. Name someone on your Top 8 who is just like you? 

No one is just like me lol I'm weird!!! 

21. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? 

Prob  Corey (my x neighbor) he's the only guy i talk to besides my hubby lol 

22. Who last IM’d you?

my hubby's email automated banking alert thingy letting me know of a withdrawal in our checking account. 

23. Are you on any medication? 


24. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

if your looking at the foot of bed it's the right

25. What color shirt are you wearing? 


26. What color is your razor? 

Don't know lol maybe mauve colored

27. What is your favorite frozen treat?

Birthday cake confetti icecream

28. How many tattoos/piercings do you have?

 No tattoo's and ears pierced is all

29. What are your favorite stores?

Pier one

30. Are you thirsty right now?


31. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?

I am married...I didn't see myself getting married while still in high school like I did tho!  And NO I wasn't pregnant! lol

32. Who’s someone you haven’t seen in awhile and miss? 

A few of my sisters who live in different towns

33. What did you do last night? 

We had breakfast and then watched a movie

34. Do you care what people think about you?

To a point yes but not always


35. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble? 

Doesn't everyone!! lol

36. Do you like your nose?

I'm fine with my nose, it does it's job well

37. What color is your room? 

White and boring

38. When was the last time you worked out? 

Yesterday for my 5 min

39. Do you like pedicures?

Never had one

40. Where do you live? 

Wisconsin Central

41. Are you an aggressive driver?  


42. Who is your cell phone carrier?

Cell com

43. Do you like the person who posted this last? 

Yes, she is very funny and I love looking at her pics of her fur babies.

44. Do you know their birthday? 

Nope, not off hand

45. What is the thing you’d most want to change about yourself? 

The fact that my health is declining and I need to get healthy!

46. What color is your car?

Purple...but it's the kind of purple that looks brown sometimes and black other times. 

47. What do you smell like right now? 

Not much...never got in shower yet! lol 


48. What is your favorite color? 

lavender and  teal

49. Do you like mustard? 

not on sandwiches but I love honey mustard dressing....Ditto

50. What do you tell yourself when times get hard? 

Ditto this too...there is Always someone who has it worse then you do!!!  That is so true!

51. Would you ever sky dive? 

Oh god NO! 

52. What do you sleep on? 

King size pillow top bed

53. Have you ever bid for something on eBay? 

Yes and it's easy to get addicted to!  It's a rush! 

54. What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant? 

I think man I wonder if there new kid will be as darn cute as their daughter!  She is the cutest!

55. Do you enjoy giving hugs?


56. Would you consider yourself to be fashionable?

Yes but not really lol  Usually only if I go someplace special Once I lose weight..yes then I am

57. Do you own a digital camera? 

Oh  ya

58. What celebrities have you been compared to? 

I was told I look like Valarie Burtinelli ALOT when I was younger. And Also Lee Ann Rhines after I died my hair lol  Cuz of my small eyes

59. What does your 19th test message say? 

Don't know hubby has my phone in his pocket!!  And he's at work and I'm home

60. How ’bout your 30th?  ...see above  LOL

61. Who did you hang out with last night?

Hubby and sons

62. What are you doing this Saturday? 

Sat!!??  Wrestling meets every sat all day!  Thats where I will be.


Anonymous said...

NOW GIRL TMI TMI on the no underware lol Just kidding that is too funny
now i just have to know what you did to instigate trouble!!!!!!!! you have toshare that one  now as you opend up a can of worms

Anonymous said...

This was a good one I hadn't done this yet. Interesting answers. Thats crazy that you get an IM when he withdraws out of the account... NOW thats a way to keep up with money.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

OH I saw this one on someone elses journal...enjoyed reading it, but its kinda long, so I am going to just keep going and catch up on journals. I am addicted, I keep adding more and more! LOL