Thursday, January 31, 2008

Linux VS. Windows/Britney Drama

I had a few people email me asking me about Linux and why it's better then Windows. 

Here is just a few reasons we love Linux over Windows.  Not to mention it's very VERY difficult to catch any virus's on Linux. Be sure to watch the entire video..they have different stuff all through out the video.
This is what my hubby's computer looks like. 

Linux Video

Windows can't do anything close to that!
Now your paying probably a couple hundred dollars on Windows and THIS is FREE! AND you can try it before you actually install it to your computer.  It is slower when you try it...but once you install it it's fast. They just have  it to try first so you can see if it's going to work for you or not. I hope this video helped with your decision. 

Ok now on to my entry:

I was up at 6 making dinner of course and the guys are now off to work and I'm in the process of uploading my video of Nic signing to Stefan. And I have a cute picture of them watching the Simpson's together on the Apple. As you can kitchen is still not clean! lol  I WILL finish it today!  I WILL! 

Ok yesterday we were snowed in of course from all the blowing drifts so that means I was not able to run out and get a soda.  I had no soda yesterday and I had ONE BIG caffeine head ache!  I was miserable!  I called hubby and asked him to PLEASE stop at the gas station and pic me up a soda.  lol  He told me no but when he got home he had :)  My head ache went away after I drank that :)  He also picked up the free 2 liter bottle we had a coupon for.  I'm not thrilled with it but when there is nothing else here I will drink it lol. 

Ok has anyone seen the Britney Spears drama this morning?  I'm not even sure what happened but  she and her family are at the hospital.  I think she may have tried to commit suicide? I only got a chance to catch the end of it.  Does anyone know what's going on there?  I feel terrible for her and I hope that she gets her life straightened out.  I have always loved her and I love her music.  I think deep down she is a really sweet person but just doesn't know how to get out of her slump she's in. I pray someone can help her.  Her kids are adorable and I hope they will get to see the Britney she used to be.  

Ok here is that video...I'm going to try to get better video's of him signing.  It seems is he knows I'm recording he will try to keep an eye on the camera and not give it his all.  Sometimes he really gets into it and I hope I can catch one of those moments!   I also wanted to add a link to a great giveaway going on right now!  Check it out!

He is signing let the dogs in NOW! lol 


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!  He is so young to be learning it.  I know of course that kids learn it that young when they are deaf, but for him to be learning a whole SECOND language at that age...that is great!  

Anonymous said...

I was watching the news to see what they say on Brit.  It is so sad, she needs help but she is an adult and unmarried.  

Dr Pepper is my drink!  I have one can a day for the kick!

Anonymous said...

AWWWW... Carrie I LOVED IT. Nic signing was a adorable. I'm so jealous I wish I knew how to do that. What an awesome thing to learn just think he can take that to a job with him later on.
Man can you stick the camera in a snow hole and record something. I can't believe your husband is still getting out in that mess. You have to be hard core to live there.
I would have to have the cabinet lined with liters. I get those headaches too. Gatorade helps cure those headaches too.
I don't know what's up with Britney, but I'm like you I just think the girl needs to take a year and get herself together away from all the press. I mean she has money can't she go lock herself up somewhere. She needs depression help. So sad that those little boys don't have their mom. I mean you can relate how would you feel if you didn't have Nic around everyday or couldn't see him.
I'm loving the Firefox and tabs. So easy to use. Thanks for the suggestion. I never heard of Linux, but I'll have to check it out. I'm all for something that you can't get a virus on.
Take care and throw a snowball for me okay.
Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering the giveaway!  Good luck, and I look forward to reading all about your life!


Anonymous said...

I love the video's with Nic. I'll have to check out Linex , I'm not happy with Windows these days and have heard too many bad things about Vista to be swayed in that direction. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I loved the video of precious! You know, Mandy learned sign launguage about 8 years ago and use is able to use it every day in her job at Disney....they love that she can do that :)

Don't know about Britney, because I usually tune it all out. It just upsets me that she has become a side show for the world's entertainment when she obviously needs's almost like the media wants her to kill herself. Nope, I'll pass...I can't do anything for her so why make myself sad.

I'm glad you didn't post what you made to eat this morning....I'm really hungry right now :) LOL!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I loved that video! Nic is learning something that so many folks dont know, but growing up with it he will be so good at it and will be able to do that fluently. That is a really cool thing. I love how Stefan and Nic spend time together, I think it is great. Good for both of them. If I dont have my coffee I get a caffiene headache too...boy those suck. I dont know about Britney. I saw a blurb the other day, maybe she had a breakdown? I dont remember for sure. Hugs, Kelly