Saturday, February 2, 2008

My weekly sentance

I had to try this...this is from Val at "There is a Season" and it sounds so interesting.  Check it out ;)  What is YOUR sentance?? This is harder then it sounds ;) 

Good Saturday to you all, journal friends!  I thought I would try out a new game today.  I hope that you all will have fun with it!  It is called "Saturday Sentence".  I have thought about this for a couple of weeks and ironed out how it is going to work.   It is explained below.


*  Each Saturday I will give you a set of six letters.  A sentence
    must be made from these letters.  The letters today are:
DSPWAS.  An example of a sentence could be - Don't Shoot
    Pool With A Shark
!  These letters MAY NOT be re-arranged.

* There is a three - five persons judge panel (of JLand journalers)
    who will pick the best sentence submitted each week.  How will we
    decide on the winner?  The submission that receives the strongest
    reaction from us -  Did it make us laugh, sad, ponder, etc.?

* The winner will receive a logo for their sidebar with their
    screen name on it.

* Place submissions in comments section.  If you do this game as an
    entry in your journal please come back and leave your ENTIRE
    entry URL so your entry can be judged. 
Submissions are due by
   Wednesday, 4PM EST
.  The winner will be announced Friday
    morning or afternoon and they will receive an email with their
    winner's logo.

* A new set of letters will be placed in my journal, There is a
   Season, every Saturday Morning.

OK...  Here is mine folks: This is not true BTW lol

Letters DSPWAS=

DIVORCING SPOUSE : Previously Wild And Sexy  ~:-P

Do smart people work on Sunday's? 


Anonymous said...

You're pretty good at those sentences. I run a game like this weekly in one of my PSP groups. I think it's harder than it looks. I give the letters out on Monday and group has until Thursday to submit entries, on Friday the group votes for the best one and on Sunday I send them a siggy tag for winning.
I like how DIVORCE came up so easy there... lol should hubby worry? or was it a bad day that day hehehe. I know you were just playing.
Hope you win. Thank God for internet where you live there is nothing to do in 5 foot snow. Well there are, but I'm sure Nic takes care of that one ;-) lol gotta love 3yo.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add in the email I sent you that Nick can keep the cat we got another one today! LOL

Anonymous said...

Woooo. now that would be hard to top.  I saw this today and just cannot come up with a thing.  Great Job.  :)    Tracy