Friday, March 21, 2008


Sorry for the language but I really AMMMM!

Ok maybe I'm being a little overly excited about this but this got me mad!  I can add this in here  because my journal is private and if freecycle chick is a reader here well she already knows I'm upset with her so it doesn't matter if she sees it! lol

Ok I have given SEVERAL things away on Freecycle...a sewing machine w/ table a king size water bed with a really nice headboard, new boots/mittens for kids that didn't fit Nic anymore, a breadmaker, and several other things that we didn't use anymore. I have only posted TWO want adds.  One for pots or pans not to scratched up and the other was a cell phone for hook up at cellcom. Got neither which is ok...I'm not mad about that. 
First question...Now tell me...WHY does it matter when you put in an add as a "want" that it matters WHERE your at?  I mean this IS a freecycle only in OUR area.  Someone from an hour away probably wouldn't be answering a want ad here anyway right?  And if they do...WHO CARES...if I don't want to travel an hour I would just simply say "thank you" but I don't want to waste the gas. It's just an email...not like it's going to hurt either of us. I had to rant about this first...this was about her first part of her email bitching that I ADD AN AREA to my post.

Ok on to the point of this whole rant! 

deleted this part to see if this made my journal huge!  I copied and pasted if from a different site so maybe this will work! 

Now I can tell you this...when I look at a WANTED ad I LIKE seeing WHY people need something.  It helps in making a decision on weather or not people are just out there trying to make a buck to resell this item!  There are many out there who do it!  I am just ticked that she would send such an email back to me making me feel like crap.  This email just put a stop to all my giving on freecycle totally. This women has done this more then once to me but this email just totally pissed me off!  For one email was not "LONG" and for another she obviously doesn't understand hardship if she is going to rub it in someones face.  UGG! I will just live without my phone for a while it's just NOT worth it.  I am just steaming right now!  Am I wrong for being upset about this email?? Maybe I'm thumb does still hurt!!! LOL 


Anonymous said...

You add doesn't look that long to me. If I had a phone that carried the company that you mentioned you would be more than willing to have it. We used to use a Nokia with Cingular then it changed to AT&T. We now just use those prepaid phones as needed. We do have our house phone. Hubby used to get phones off ebay cheaper and looked for new ones on there when one of ours went on the blink. Helen

Anonymous said...

The ad seems okay to me.  She must of had a stick up her butt when she wrote that.  We had some unused cell phones we just gave away!  If I had only known, I would have sent them to you!!

Anonymous said...

I think the reason they don't want you to tell your "Hardship" stories is so everyone can have a fair chance at receiving items.  Someone may favor you over a first responder because of your situation.  *I* like knowing why someone needs an item, too, but we didn't make the rules.  The location thing - they harp on that in my freecycle groups, too.  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

I think it looks fine Carrie....I hate when people have to ruin things by seing so picky. That's what turns people off from even helping!! I have some used cell phones...I think they are Motorolla, we have Nextel. If they will work, let me know and I'll send it to ya.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

the moderator of my local freecycle is picky a way i DO understand why they want to know where you are but it is NOT a rule that you have to show that in the 1st email. She did not need to write that. What happens in my group is you write "WANTED: CELL PHONE" and then the person who has it will write back and say "where are you" and it is no big deal. Some do write "WANTED:CELL PHONE, located in CrazyTown" but it is not a requirement. As far as you telling why you want it, i see nothing wrong with that either and lots of people do it in my group.
The biggest problem in my group is the no shows!

Anonymous said...


I understand you but I will tell you I wish they'd do that here. As there is a lot of biching when people ask for things such as ps2's and other WANTS that EVERYONE wants.

Yours was fine though I should forward some that we have here. LOL

Sorry your thumb still hurts.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Darn it IF I had a cell phone extra that worked fine I would send it to you. My kids drop everything they have and eventually it doesn't work. Is there any way you can just go get him one of those phone they cell at walmart, but don't activate it just get a chip from your phone company to stick in that cell. I mean texting is pretty common in all those cells. They start at like $20.. some not really fancy, but they're a cell. Look next time you're around in the store in the electronics dept.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

I got kicked off Freecycle because I have an adult profile at Yahoo.  One of the list I own is women only in the adult section, no kids.  I either delete my list or change my profile, no to both.  This is giving away free things...I am not spamming or doing porn.  Geeeezzzzz  
I gave away a set of bunkbeds that needed work, a church got them for a family that lost everything in a fire.  I gave away 6 boxes of clothes and more then the host saw I had the adult profile and kicked me off.  BTW: if I remember right I had 4 people that wanted the bunkbeds, I choose the guy from the church and he told me in his email why he needed them.

ranting too!!

Anonymous said...

It seems very harsh. I would be a tad cross aswell! Love Pam xx

Anonymous said...

Coo Ithink you have ev
bery right to be cross ,it doesnt seem fair does it ? Jan xx