Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hello from the hospital

Thanks everyone for the prayers and nice comments!  It's been a rough, long, sad, scary day that's for sure!  We started out at 4:15 am with him saying Mommy ow ow.  I knew within a min that we were going to call 911.  I called 911 and cory called his mom who is a retired emergency nurse.  She just lives right next door so she was right over in a flash.  My dad slept through everything...sirens, walking upstairs, nic crying....everything.  We left him a note and woke up Stefan and told him what was going on and then we were off.  Nic was uncomfortable for the first, I'd say 9 hours of our stay at the hospitals...then about 2pm he started to feel a bit better and was able to walk some and use the potty.  He VERY MUCH disliked  pooping in the bed pan!  OH MY did he ever!  Poor thing! 
Well, it's now 8:30 pm and he has been non stop since...riding every toy they have here in the hospital and playing outside.  I hear him laughing now riding down the hall LOL  That makes me feel a little better.  I'm SO worried about worst fear is that they may find cancer.  I PRAY that is not the case but I can't help thinking that way. 
I just wanted to update and tell everyone thank you...I have to go to give hubby a break and walk/run with Nic down the halls.....well, just heard dad say it's time to retire the cars for the night so I guess it's time to get him ready for bed and teeth brushed.  Thank you all again!  :D  It means a lot to me.  Hubby is going to stay here with me tonight so that makes me feel much better.  I didn't want to stay here alone :(   I will update tomorrow on how he is doing. 


Anonymous said...

I just told Kevin about Nic and what you're all going thru right now!  Been there just like you with the same head pain.  Fortunetly for us, it wasn't a head bleed but Chiari.  Keeping you in my thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Will keep praying. Glad to hear he is doing better!  Will pray for peace for your family as well as wisdom for the doctors and nurses!

God Bless

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie..  I will have Nic and you all in my prayers.  It's hard not to let your thoughts wonder to the worst but just stay positive and pray hard.  Keep us updated as you can.  ((((HUGE HUGS))))


Anonymous said...

OMG I just read this and the orgwe post from Cory. I can imagine how scared and upset you must be. I had been thinking of you ALL day and then I log on and this is what I see. Please know that the prayers have started and will continue them. If you need anything I am a call away. Lots of Love and may hugs and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Will keep the prayers going until we know he's going to be ok!  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

thanks for the update, Carrie; will keep Nick and you in my prayers


Anonymous said...

Yes that would be scary with your child. Will keep all of you in my prayers. Prayer changes things. Hugs, Janie

Anonymous said...

OMG Carrie! My Internet has been down so I just back on line tonight....I had no idea...OMG! I will start praying right now for my sweet little Nic, and ask God to protect him. Think positive my dear friend.....and I'm sending you every one that I have, and more. Stay strong and know you are loved.

Love & Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

please let us know what is goign on...keep us updated!

love you thinking about you!


Anonymous said...

Oh Carrie I hope Nic starts feeling loads better... playing and laughing sounds like a good start. I will pray that there is nothing serious and it was just a bad bump on the head or something while he was playing and you didn't know. You've already shared him with us so he can't go anywhere. Hope you all get some rest, but the hospital is the worst place for that. Give Nic and hug and kiss from me.
Take care and Big Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update carrie. I am still keeping all of you in my prayers. I hope you hear some good news soon. Helen

Anonymous said...

Got on here first thing this morning and was hoping for this good news. I guess all the prayers helped that sweet little boy. :) Thanks for getting on here and letting us know what is going on. It is so good to hear that Nic is running and laughing and so good. Still praying that whatever it is that happened to him is gone forever. Love y'all, Kelly

Anonymous said...

ALL of you are in my prayers. HUGS!! XO

Anonymous said...

I sure hope it's nothing too serious.  (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))) to you all xx
