Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm at my nieces house

I'm sitting at my nieces house right now...she is in the shower and I'm just wasting some time.  I was at the store today and now just waiting around for hubby to get done with work and then I will go pick him up.  My son has his truck out and about and is staying at a friends house tonight because they both have to go to the meet in the morning.  YOU HAVE NO IDEA how glad I am that I don't have to get up at 5am to drive him into town.  Now he has his truck and can just take him and his friend there...they both have to go to the same school.  I forgot to bring my camera today...I was mad because I wanted  to take some pics of where my son ran off the road before every trace of it is gone.  And of the snow too. 
Well, I better go call to see if Cory is done so I can get a move on...this is another reason I love having dinner in the morning because now we just have to have a quick breakfast type food when we get home and it's an easy fix.  I will be back later maybe...if not I will be here tomorrow for sure.  Hope everyone has a great day. 


Anonymous said...

lol. okay, i've done breakfast for dinner before but never dinner for breakfast.  well, unless you count cold pizza ;)

you have a really good weekend doll~

Anonymous said...

Hey girl.. Congrats on getting the Nice Matters Award.. Lori passed it on to you you'll have to go read her entry. She did an awesome write up as usual. I have the hard choice of passing it on too. You have to pick six journalers you think deserve it. I would have said you too, but I will pass on to someone who hasn't been nominated yet.
Darn you why did you forget the camera. Glad Stefan is out driving around again. I hope you got some snow pictures of that blizzard because I wanna see okay. Have you guys built snowmen yet. I miss doing that so much and snow sledding we just haven't had anything like that around here anymore. Now that I want to do this stuff with my grandson we have NO snow. She would love to build a snowman or go sledding down a hill. We'd never get him in the house again.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Stefan is out driving again since the accident.  Enjoy your Sunday.