Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stefan update/my daughters fire/Nic school/Nic dentest/& a pic.

Ok well I have really been away a while now!  I have just been so busy with Stefan not being here it ups my work load around here a lot.  I have been trying to keep my house cleaning/laundry/garden/yard work/garage/chickens/and time to everyone all done and it's just not working that way!  My house is still a mess most times and my laundry piles up and I do it when I have  some time.  It's just been crazy really.  The only thing that calms me down and makes me smile are my Nic and my chickens :D  Nic has been running back and forth from home to grandmas and back again.  He loves it.   Winter is sure to depress him!  It's been SO cold in the mornings too around here. 

Ok so first I will start off with Stefan.  He has been just LOVING his new school and is on the Varsity football team there and they had a game in Iowa this last weekend which means he didn't come home at all.  They won the game :D  It's been the longest I have went without seeing my son.  Very strange not having him here and I'm still going through withdrawal over that one.   The stinker doesn't even text me that often!   I think I got four texts from him the whole two weeks!  And two of them are excitement about the Packer game!  LOL  Do you think he is getting his own life now?  That makes me sad...he used to be a mommy's boy.  His sister was the off and running never want to see you again girl!  All I can say is I'm sure glad I have Nic or I would be going through a really tough time here.  
Got a letter in the mail the other day stating that Stefan has an academic awards medal to accept at the end of Sept again this year :D (this was for last years grades, he also got one the year before) We are so proud of him.   He wants to go and say bye to everyone at the same time but not sure if he will be able to.  I can pick it up in the office but he really would love to make it for that.   I'm working on that.  We would have to drive him back to school after the ceremony which means driving in the dark both ways, which means getting really tired on the road!  So maybe I can take him back early the next morning so I can at least drive in the daylight. 

OK on to my daughter...she had a fire in the house night before last.  It was a kitchen fire that started at their stove while making bacon!  She put a plate over the fire but it was under the stove top so it was getting the air it needed to thrive.  It kept getting larger so they called the fire dept and by the time they got there the fire was out.  I guess they kept hitting it with a towel.  WHEW, that could have been bad!   Other then that she has started school  and got a new job and is paying her own rent.  So I'm so proud of her.  I hope she keeps it up. 

Nic went to school a few days ago and did great!  It was the mandatory 3 yr old pre school orienetation.  He did all what  he was suppose to do PLUS ALL the 5 yr old things! :D  So that means  he's free of school till kindergarden!  :D   He even helped many of the other kids do what they were suppose to do.  This little girl was looking at Nic for help and he showed her where each object was suppose to go. 
Than yesterday was his first Dental apt and it went GREAT!  My kids have always  just been so cooperative with things like doctors/dentests etc.   He was a big boy the whole time back there.  The only time he cried was right in the waiting area when the hygenist told him he was going to a picture machine.  After the MRI picture machine that scared the daylights out of him :(  He thought he had to get the needle in the arm again and everything.  As soon as I explained it to him  he was fine from that time on.  I got to go back with him to watch and he did whatever they told him to do.  They even got all the xrays they  needed right away which usually they wait because the kids are screaming about it.  I was so proud! :D  He left there with clean teeth and NO cavities!  They even told us we were doing good on flossing inbetween the teeth :)
OK who has been watching the NEW 90210?  OH I am in love with that show!  I used to watch the older 90210 and the same people are in this show but of course Kelly, Brenda and Brandon are much older now and Kelly is a teacher.  Her mother is still an alcholic and she has a sister names silver who I feel SO sorry for.  Just a great show!  OH and now we have cable!  AND a DVR too so I can tape them :D And I have!  My dad is paying for it. 

OK now, wanna see a really adorable picture!  Than I'm done talking for now ;)  Hope everyone is well! 

nicsuit.jpg picture by 2breakaway1968

Nicwinksuit.jpg picture by 2breakaway1968


Anonymous said...

OH Nic looks so handsome in those pictures! What a little man he is. :)  Oh you should be happy that Stefan is not having any trouble adjusting to being out there in the world. I know you miss him, and I will miss Shelby one day, but I really want her to be independent and strong. It sounds like Stefan is on his way to being just that. I am glad your sister didnt have a big disaster. That had to be scary. Oh and congratulations on Stefan getting an award and being such a fine student. I didnt know there was a mandantory test for three year olds? Is that on the state level? I am glad Nic did so well, but wow, I dont know if I would like the govt telling me my three year old had to be shipped off to preschool if he didnt know it all. I am not into the 90210 but I am waiting on the Heroes season premiere! I wanted to watch the pilot for that new show Fringe, but I missed it last night. We are doing school, so I better get off here for a while. Love, Kelly

Anonymous said...

Nick looks so cute. He is a smart child. I am glad that your daughter got the fire put out without any damage. Sounds as if Stefan has adjusted very good. Good for your dad furnishing cable for you. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have been busy!!!  I hope things settle down for you soon.  Great job to Stefan for the good grades and branching out on his own.. even if it breaks your heart a little.  Those pictures of Nic are just too adorable.  I think little boys look so cute in "grown up type" clothes.  OH and I am liking the 90210 as well.  I haven't seen this week's show yet but it's on the DVR, so I'll catch up on it soon.  Anyway, I hope you are having a good day!!


Anonymous said...

I was an avid 90210 fan in the old days.. And I love the new show.. I'm trying to figure out who Kelly's baby daddy is... It has to be Dillon... Don't you think?? Hugs~~Carol~~

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have reason to be proud of ALL your kids!  Nic is a cutie.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what was up. I can imagine how crazy it is? How is your dad doing? Glad that everyone is good. I will update my journal after dinner and after I completely clean my kitchen as I have a fruit fly infestation and do not know why....

Love ya

Anonymous said...

I'm glad things are going well, sorta.  I bet you are very busy!  Have a good night.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you.  I know how you has just been so crazy.  I am so not sure what happened to August...I'm pretty sure we skipped it all together! :) lol  

Glad Stefan is doing well. Sounds like a great place for him although I am sure that it is hard for you.  You'll make it!

Go Pack!  What a great game to :)

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Okay, when I got to the part about the fire....I lost my breath for a moment, seriously. I'm not sure I'll ever not get sick to my stomach when I hear someone has had a fire, because even if it was small, I know how scary it was for them and how quickly it can escalate and devour....I'm so thankful they are all okay!
Oh how proud you must be of Stefan.....what an amazing young man he is to adapt and adjust so well, you did something very right there Carrie! I know how much you miss him, and I know the pain you feel as I only get to hug my baby 3-4 times a year now. But for as much as I miss her, she is thriving, and I know when I am gone from this Earth, she can make it without me, ya know? It's so hard to let them go, but it's what we want to see!
Your Nic just gets sweeter with every picture you show, and how handsome he looks in that suit!! You hold on tight to him my friend, because you know, all too well, how quickly time goes. Treasure every moment!

Love & Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

OH!  He is SO adorable in his little suit!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo who is that looker? That is some sharp dressed man you got there.
I'm so happy for Stefan and that he's getting along so well. How great for him to know he can do it. He knows that you all are always there for him. He just needed to prove it to himself and he's doing it.
I'm so happy that your daughter is okay and wow a job, school and her own place. Now that is a move in the right direction. Good for her. I know you are proud.
Sounds like everyone is doing great. I miss your entries. I know you hardly have time with everything you got going on.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie