Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kraft Mac-N-Cheese VS Value brand

What is up with Kraft Mac and cheese lately?   They suck!  I used to like it but now it's just become really watery if you follow their directions.  And if you don't it's to gooey.   I have been getting the value brand mac and cheese...not only is it cheaper but the cheese it in make the mac n cheese just right.  Not to runny and not to gooey. 

Has anyone else noticed this?  Maybe it's just me...but I just don't like the kraft brand anymore.  Wonder if they changed something. 

Ok well our company is still here and the guys are at work and I'm watching the boys.  They are getting along PRETTY good...they have their spats...usually Nic who starts something...taking something away from Devlin cuz he doesn't want to share it...or just playing way to rough.  Devlin is not a rough kid at all and sometimes Nic scares him.   Stefan and Alex fought and wrestled for the first 2 years of Nic's life and he in turn wrestles with HIS 17 yr old brother who gets pretty rough with him so he learned that.  He used to tackle kids in the play land to wrestle with them...not realizing they didn't WANT him to do that.   It was funny but yet embarrasing at the same time.  Once I explained to the parents that he was just "playing" they were ok.   At first I got looks that would kill!  LOL  Yes, I did stop him right away and told him that was not exceptible with kids who did not want him to do that. 
Well, just had a prob with the boys now LOL  They were jumping on Stefans bed and Nic bumped Devlins nose...we all know how that hurts!  Devlin was mad at Nic and Nic told him he was sorry so now all is well.  :D 

Last night for dinner they boys sat at the table and Devlin says to Nic "Nic, how was ur day at work?"  LOL  Nic say's "I don't wok"  Says it in that way.  Too funny. Sometimes those guys can come up with the funniest things. 

OH OH I hear "CANNONBALL" coming from the boys in Nic's room...I would imagine that means they are jumping off the headboard to his bed.  BRB! 

Ok well, I'm gonna get off here for now and get my cleaning done and keep the boys entertained for a while.   I have the tv turned off so they can use their imagination.  And they sure are!   OH OH someone else crying's Nic  Devlin accidentally tripped him and he fell on his face.   Devlin came in to give him a hug...cute.  Ok see ya all later :D  All is well so far here with us.  Tomorrow we are heading to Delevan to drop Stefan off.   He's excited...I'm doing all his laundry now and getting him packed up for the week.  Just have to wait for my dad to wake up now so I can get his suitcase...I store them in that closet so we have room in the others for other things we use more often. 


I got video of the boys but I don't want to post it till I get permission from his dad...sometimes he doesn't like Dev posted on journals. 


Anonymous said...

I only buy Kraft Mac & Cheese.  We don't have any good value brands around here that taste as good or better.

Anonymous said...

we buy the WM deluxe brand where the cheese comes out of a kids won't eat the powder kind. I have not bought Kraft in over 2 yrs so i have no idea if it sucks now. The WM brand is good. XO

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!  Sounds like you have your hands full, but I'm really cracking up, sorry!!! Cute that they give hugs and 'sorry's' though!!!   I haven't eaten Kraft Mac & Cheese since Chris was little... so I have no idea, sorry.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like way TOO much fun. LOL Boys... They are so rough and tough sometimes. I keep meaning to call you but everytime I am going to my phone rings or I have drama with the kids... Or something... Maybe later after I run my errands.

Miss & love ya.

Anonymous said...

I only use Veleeta and Cheese anymore or make it homemade.
Can't wait to see the video.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

We still buy kraft dinners, can't have hot dogs without it!!! LOLOL! But I do agree with you that it is a bit more watery than it used to be. I usually add more butter and less milk, and that does the trick.

Love & Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

awww....boys will be boys!  And when they have such opposite personalities like that, it makes for interesting days!  :-)  Glad to know everything is going well!