Friday, October 19, 2007


OK last night was NOT a good night.  Stefan had let the dogs our for their last potty break of the night and guess what!  They got sprayed by a skunk~!  YES, OH my did it smell.  They must have gotten sprayed very close to the door because the whole house smelled! It just traveled on through the house!  It's not bad today...either that or I'm getting used to it lol.  This happened the first year we lived here too!  Our old dog Bailey got sprayed and he smelled for a year afterward..even tho we washed him with the peroxide mix!  It wasn't a bad bad smell but if you hugged him you could still smell it.  Yikes!  I love hugging Max and I don't want him to smell for a year! :(    SOOO last night the dogs spent the night in the garage and that is where they still are until I can get them washed.  Not sure how exactly I'm going to do that yet since it's so cold here today.  Last time we did it outside with the hose but it was in the 70's then.  NOT the 40's and soon to be 30's here today.  The temps are dropping as I write.  I may have to bring them into the shower downstairs.  I just don't know!! GRRR

I guess I can be thankful that they were not let in the house like last time.  They ran everywhere in the house before we could catch them and the house smelled for weeks afterward!  lol IT was SOO bad! I mean Bailey was literally dripping skunk stuff!  No kidding!  I had to scrub the floor with peroxide too. I don't think it was as bad of spray as last time at least.  Max's head smells but I don't think his body smells that bad.  And cubby I think just got the left over smells after the skunk had gone. 

Now on to something Nick and I had to take Stefan to school so we stopped in the gas station for a soda before we went home.  Well, Nick went for the sixlets (his fav all time candy) and I had told him last night that if he didn't  pick up his toys he was not going to get them when we stopped at the gas station the next day. Well, he didn't pick up his toys and I'm trying to STICK to the "when I say NO it's NO" thing because otherwise you end up with very naughty kids yaknow... so anyway, when we went into the gas station he went right for the sixlets and I told him No, Nick remember that I told you you could not have them today?  you did not pick up your toys?  Remember?  He says to me and I quote "Oh, ok mommy sorry mommy" and then he giggled!  I was like "WHAT?" no complaining or whining?  lol  I was just so proud of him. And the lady at the gas station was amazed and told me that was the first time she ever seen a kid act like that the whole time she worked there lol.  I could just see my head swell!  lol  Once in a while he does that but then we do have our bad days too. But I stick to my guns when it comes to saying no and meaning no.  It does work! 

Well, today I get to go pick up my hubby at the airport.  Not till 9:15pm tho :(  I wish it were earlier but oh well.  I'm taking Nick with me so he can see the plane land.  I'm going to try to remember the camera so I can get a good pic of him running to daddy like I know he will.  Cute!  I love that he loves his dad so much!  The other two didn't do that..they were mommy's kids.  BUT dad didn't spend as much time with them as he does with Nick either.  He wishes he had now.  He feels bad...but we were both so young...he was only 19 and had two kids already and I was 20  It was not easy for either of us.  considering he was only 19 he was a pretty good dad really.  Better then most 19 yr olds. 

Well, I better get back to work...I have slacked on the cleaning around her while cory was gone lol now it's time to catch up. I want the house clean when he comes home. 


Anonymous said...

We have a gigantic skunk that hangs out back with Ted the friendly toad.  I'm just waiting for the dogs to get sprayed.  We've been lucky so far.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that skunk.. hope you get them cleaned up and the smell gone. That's awful. Way to go big boy Nick. Glad your hubby is coming home tonight. I'm sure Nick will be very happy to see him. You are a different parent as you age. I really think older parents are better just because they have the time, money is still an issue, but not as much as when you're first married.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Yuck!!!I couldn't imagine living with that smell for a year.  Nick sounded adorable.  Good job not giving into him.