Thursday, October 4, 2007

Weigh in and MORE

WOW it's been A LONG time since I updated!  I have been So busy around here with "fall cleaning" and we had company last weekend and prob's with the daughter and etc..etc...  Just way to much to do during the nice weather.  We got all of our closets shelves up and they look awesome!  I'm so happy to have so much more storage space now.  Our closets sucked!  All we had were two poles to hang clothes on in each closet and so we added wire shelves to all six closets. 

Weigh in went awesome last week Sat and I lost 1.8 lbs!  This week I have slacked off so I'm not expecting anything this Sat.  I can only hope to stay the same!  I hope!
Today is going to be a perfect day since weigh in is the following morning. At least I can hope for SOME good news if I stay on plan today. 

My MIL's brother in law is not doing well so I'm guessing there will be a funeral to go to very soon.  I hope things go well for his wife and everyone involved! 

I got bad news about my father as sister called me (he lives with her) and he recently had a doctors apt and they told him he had a tear in his aorta and he needs to have surgery done to repair it.  He is refusing surgery and he said he has lived his life and will not go through that kind of surgery.  I'm not sure how long that means he has...I mean I know it's bad but you never know when it will give out.  Sometimes he is such a foolish man!  He hates doctors and hospitals and he will do ANYTHING to stay out of them.  He is 81 and had made VERY few visits to see any I guess you can say he's pretty lucky that nothing bad had happened to him before now.  All we can do now is pray for him and hope he changes his mind! 
Other then that there is nothing going on here...we are enjoying our new shows that have started...Grey's of course, Journeyman, Bionic Women, Kid Nation, Biggest Loser, Hero's and Life are the main ones we watch.  It's kind of fun this season...there were a few new shows this year so we thought we would give them a try.  We love Journeyman and Life a lot.  Kid Nation has been getting interesting too.  Well, I will be sure to take pics of my new closets andshow you what a great job we did ;)  Watch for them later.  I hope everyone is having a great autumn so far!!  I know I am!  The weather has been great around here! 


Anonymous said...

I'm over here struggling through closet stuff too. I want mine cleaned out. A house can only hold 24yrs worth of junk you know.
Congrats on your weigh in and hope this week you hold your own.
Sorry about the news on your dad. I hope he reconsiders his decision.
I watch Grey's, Journeyman, Kid Nation and Hero's. I'm going to catch up with Bionic Woman and Life on Saturday they're showing both the pilot and second episodes again. Everything I am watching this year is new to me. Grey's is the only show I ever use to watch. I also started watching CSI, Cane, Without A Trace, Desperate Housewives, Ghost Whisper, Moonlight and Criminal Minds. Only way I watch all this is by DVR.
Hope you guys are having a great weekend.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping your family in prayers!