Monday, May 19, 2008

Still alive/rant about my sister

Well I have pictures to share with my Hangin journal BUT one of my sisters wanted me to save her picture card on my iphoto to get a video on DVD for her and now something is wrong with it lol Could it be that she had 500 PICTURES on her card??? LOL  Iphoto went nuts trying to copy them all LMAO.  Instead of deleting them she wants to save them all on there...she makes copy's of them all (an actual picture) but she just can't delete them for some reason. I should have known she would be like that when she went to digital over film.  This women would not blink an eye to spend 70 bucks on developing loads of film.  I told her...Cheryl, go digital!  It's cheaper AND you dont' have to save the pictures you don't want.  Ha she does anyway! lol 

So now I have to have Cory try to delete her pictures keep putting them back on there when I delete them saying an error has occurred lol 

I will be back on later. 


Anonymous said...

Too funny. She sounds like me I hate to delete too. I always burn a CD of my pictures just in case.
I posted prom pictures. Yes, I know I'm behind.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

LOL.. I'm like you on this.  I only print out the ones I want printed.  I save them all on the external hard drive so that if I need one printed for something I can do that.  I'm so happy not to have crappy doubles from disposable cameras anymore!!

You take care and take it easy doll~

Anonymous said...

I copy all my pictures to disk, then when I need one, I can just go that disk.
Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

oh what a nightmare!! I hope by now you have gotten the problem fixed


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bit of a nightmare ~ hope you get it sorted xx


Anonymous said...

My Mom was the same way.  She spent thousands of dollars on film and some of the stuff she took pics of were of nothing.  LOL