Friday, May 2, 2008

Been a few days

OK, I have been pretty busy taking some time off of the computer learning about my chickens and getting prepared for them.  I haven't even cared that the guys have been hogging MY computer time playing WOW!   I have also been trying to learn about gardening since this IS my first year ever putting anything into the ground ;)   We planted seedlings that are growing like crazy and today our pole beans are up to nine inches tall!  Our garden is tilled and ready to go BUT the weather here has been crazy so I"m afraid to plant them yet.  I would hate to go through all the work and money to grow them in the house just to have the die once planted outside!  SO we hopefully can wait another week before we transplant them to the garden. 

Yesterday for "No Tech Night" we didn't do a whole lot...we had planned to till up some peet moss in the garden and get some thing planted but it RAINED all evening.  So Stefan climbed in the tub and enjoyed a book and Nic went to sleep early (by 7:30) and Cory read "The Omnivore's Dilemma) to me.  OH if you want to learn what IN your foods READ this book.  It's an awesome book and you will forever see corn differently from then on!  I can't even enjoy corn anymore lol!  Forget about chickens tastes bad to least most of it.  There is an occasional chicken I will enjoy if it's marinated over night.  After a few chapters I fell asleep on the couch (prob by 8pm)  Cory woke me up at 2am and asked if I was coming to bed lol.  I was just plum tired out I guess! 

About my dad:  He HAS decided to come stay with us :)  SO I need to get his room prepared for him and get the "office" stuff out of their and BACK into our bedroom.  Well, at least I got to enjoy a LITTLE "office free" time in there. lol  He will be moving in the middle of June sometime.  He wants to stay at my sisters house until after her son's graduation because it doesn't pay to come here for a few weeks just to have to travel back there for his party again.  He's worried about my sisters dogs...they are SO attached to him and they are the teeny tiny dogs so it's even harder on them because they seem to go through a depression stage after their "master" leaves them :(   I hope they are ok.  He has lived with her for eleven years and I think she is going to miss him more then she thinks too ;) 

I just hope he likes it here...I'm a little worried about that.  I hope he doesn't get lonely.  I know one pom is going to LOVE having him here. I'm sure he will spend all sorts of time with my dad.  We just haven't been giving him the attention he needs lately either. 

Well I had some pictures to share but hubby took the camera to work (I forgot to take it out of the van) SO I will add those either tonight or tomorrow.  I hope you all have a great day today!!! 


Anonymous said...

I tried planting a garden a couple yrs. ago but we live on what use to be a mountain so it is not good planting ground.  We are growing some veggies and other plaints in pots which are doing very well.  I think your sister will miss your Dad more than she thinks.  Mine has lived with me for 4.5 yrs.  I couldn't imagine him not being here.  I'm sure he'll be happy staying with you.  :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your Dad will be coming to stay with y'all. I think it will be good for everyone. :) You are going to be one busy gal this summer with the garden, chickens, kids, and everything else. Thats okay, we like to stay busy dont we? ;) Hugs, kelly

Anonymous said...

I hope your Dad will enjoy living with you. I don't think Nic and the animals will let him get lonesome. He will probably want to tend to those chickens also. Helen

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that you can take your dad in.  Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy your Dad is wonderful for everyone!! This will be so great for the kids to develop a relationship with their Grandpa, and so good for you, too! I'm sure it will be an adjustment, but it will all work out perfectly in the end.
Glad you had a good Thursday night.......I did too, watching Ugly Betty, Greys, and Without a Trace, then I watched CSI which I recorded!!! <hehehehehe> Maybe I should get the prize for "Most UN tech like night" ;)

Love & Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are still doing no tech night. So are you taping Grey's Anatomy? Or going online to watch it??

Wow exciting that your dad is moving in. What does your children think of it. I am sure that it will be an adjustment for all of you.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your dad will be coming to live with are a good daughter for that....sounds like all is going well. I hope it warms up for you soon.