Wednesday, April 18, 2007

About Cancer....

Check out an important update below:

Ok this morning was another...I could not sleep mornings...although I did fall back asleep for ummm A SECOND when my phone woke me up.  It was my hubby wanting an account number..I swear he comes up with something every morning just to be sure I can't sleep lol.  Then the phone woke up Nick but the weird thing was he actually got out of his big boy bed by himself!  lol Since we set up his big boy bed (weeks ago now) he has not gotten out of it on his own..he always called to me as if he were still in his crib.  And he would not get out of it no matter how long we waited...he would just sit in there saying "mama, help me" or "mama, I'm scared" But today was another milestone that I will add to his book :)  I wonder if he will continue to do it or if it was a one time thing.  He sure was proud of himself :) It was so cute.  It's just been wonderful with him at bedtime too.  I ferberized him at 6 months old and I tell you was the best thing I ever did.  It only took two days...seriously!  Now he goes to bed NO problem's EVER.  Even at nap time...I tell him It's nap time and put him in his bed and he goes to sleep...sometimes he talks for a while first but eventually he falls asleep. How many two year olds do that??  I'm just so proud of him.  AND it's great for me too :)  I can get peace and quiet time after everyone is asleep knowing that there will be no problems coming from Nick. Well, off to the cleaning...gotta keep caught up here!  OH by the way...My daughter is out again lol...I have to tell ya though I don't miss the arguing between her and her brother at all! She is doing better though with her schooling (FINDING WOOD)  so hopefully she keeps it up.  By the way were trying the potty training thing again this week :)


Ok, I just got some info from a friend of mine who's mother is going through breast cancer right now and I wanted to share this very important message.  Check out the info and the links!

First I want to say...we NEVER know when OR if were going to get cancer so I like to donate or whatever I can do to help find a cure.  I don't have any family members who are going through it right now, but I do have a best friend who isgoing through it. She just finished cemo/radiation treatments a few months back.  So for those of you out there who can afford a donation or (if your in the Madison WI area) are able to walk for a cure PLEASE do so. 

Here is a link to my friends Page (Team Paint The Town Pink)

For donations of any size please visit here:

 Can't make it to this year's Race? Work nights? Or just want to sleep in on Saturday morning?You can still participate by signing up for "Sleep In for the Cure(r)"and receive your t-shirt by mail after the Race. Now who would not WANT to do this! lol 

To register for this visit this link below: The cost for registration for "Sleep for the Cure" is 30.00 I think but a small amount if you remember what this is going for.  Remember some day THIS could be for a cure for you or a family member!

Ok come on guys!  Any size donation will help Team Paint the town Pink on their walk to cure cancer!  Thanks in advance to those of you who are planning on donating it's well worth it, AND tax deductible!

Thanks to Kris and her family for putting this out there for us and for walking in this themselves! 


Anonymous said...

You should post some pics of Nicks bed. I havent seen it yet. It is great to beable to put the kids down for naps and nighttime without a fight. Now that Brady is feeling better he goes right to bed for nap without crying again and He actually wanted me to put him to bed last night at 830. Jaden has been staying put in his bed lately too so it is so NICE. What does finding wood mean?

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))I also would love to see pics of Niks bed.He is such a good boy.Thank you for comming to my journal and giving me some courgment.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me, but what does ferberizing mean?!  I've never heard of the word, is it an American thing?  Perhaps here in the UK we call it something else!! ~~~ Pat