Friday, April 20, 2007

Part TWO "A day in the life of"

Well, Nick and I left the same time Cory went to work.  We were going to go to the library but it was closed so we ended up going to A&W for lunch.  We got mini corn dogs.  We got back home and after lunch...about one...Nick wanted to take a nap so I put him down for a nap.  Grandma stopped over for a bit and then while Nick was sleeping I picked up the house a little more and then I fell asleep too (slept about an hour)!  BOY was that nice! lol  I woke up to the fan shutting off in Nicks room (heard it from the monitor in my room) HE GOT OUT OF BED again on his own!   He wanted to go outside right away but we had to run to get Stefan because he was done with Track practice early.  So there goes my extra cleaning time...I  guess I should not have fallen asleep! 
So off to get Stefan and when I get there (30 Min drive) Stefan tells me he was very hungry so we got him burger king and then it was time to go to his tux fitting.   There were SEVERAL kids there!  It took 45 min to get in there and try the thing on.  It looks awesome!  He even got the top hat to go with it.  I am adding pictures in a bit here so check back in a little while.  We are back home now and were trying on the tux again so I can get pictures and so we can show grandma and grandpa.  Be back soon. 
Ok we can't post pics of the Tux yet cuz I know his G/F reads this sometimes so SORRY Dawn if your reading!   But I will post these pics:

<---This is the color yellow that we got...this is his vest.

Ok Well, it's late...Nick is now in bed and we had some popcorn after coming home from grandma and grandpa's house.  Nick of course was looped up on candy so he was not quiet.  Alex came home to get her clothes and gave Nick a water gun which was NOT funny!  He kept squirting everyone!  After that it was get ready for bed time and thats where I"m going now.  IT's after 11pm now.


Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))Thats great that Nick got out of His bed on His own,congrats to Him. bet Stefan will look so handsome in His tux.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that Nick got out of his bed.....and what a darling bed it is!! Can't wait to see the pics of Stephen in his tux....I beat he'll be McStevie :) <hehehehe>

Pooh Hugs,