Well, the day stared of with the alarm buzzing in my ear at 6:30 this morning! always hate that! By 7:05 Stefan and I were out the door on the way to drop him off at school. SO anyway, When I got back home it was a little after 8 and then I realized it was Friday which means garbage day! OH ya always love that day. SO I hauled out the garbage...still have to get the bag from up here and bring that down the driveway. Living out in the country your driveways get pretty long! lol After that I came in to post and see what my niece Heather was up to BUT she hadn't posted hers yet...HEATHER where are U!? Your the one who thought this one up...thought you would be here by now.....Will be back later :)
NEXT...As soon as I got the update above done Heather called me and we chatted a while. baby woke up...he came on out of his room by himself again!:) Yesterday he didn't but the day before he did also. This is what he wants to do right away when he wakes up. NOTICE how messy the house is?!! OH my how I hate to wake up to this! This was all from last night and I didn't feel like cleaning it before I went to bed.
While still on the phone I got Nick changed and his pancakes for breakfast: (The diaper boxed are my rummage sale stuff.
For those who are asking to see NIcks bed...here it is!
YES, My sewer guys fixing my sewer pump...and I got a picture of their rump! lol Didn't mean to but just happened that way...REALLY!
YOU MEAN, MY LIFE CAN GET BACK TO NORMAL??? After this long of hauling my laundry to the laundry mat I'm going to feel like I"m in heaven! Hehe, I just noticed I called them "MY" sewer guys...I've seen them so much lately they feel like "MINE" lol.
Nick has to see what's going on...he kept calling them Papa, he thought grandpa was out there.
Nick falls off his toy :( My plant fell over again! I think it's time to say good bye to the fake plant tree.
Nick gets dressed and cubby joins him out on the balcony to be sure that he will annoy the guys by barking at them!
Off to clean....
Well, I did clean some but had to run the rest of the garbage out so Nick of course wanted to stay out and plan some. We went in the wagon and he rode his bike. We went to get the mail...got my sticker for my van so I put that on right away. I will update pictures later... It's close to noon now and Cory is just about ready for work and Nick is a little mad that he's leaving again. He's throwing a little fit.
I just realized I was hungry! I have not eaten yet today so Nick and I are going to get some lunch together here. Will update in a bit.
I am here, where are your pics?
OK I am doing this too... Check it out.
Whinnidapooh (Kallie)
waiting for more updates
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