Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Another start

OHH to realize that vacation is OVER and start on this darn diet again!!!  It's so hard to do. I DO REALLY REALLY want to lose weight but apparently not bad enough!?  I can't get the umph going to get my butt back to exercise and diet.  I have not gotten on the scale since FL but I think the first thing is to DO IT and face the bad news.  Start over and try again.  I have so many people rooting for me and you would think it would be enough to get me excited about weight loss again but I"m just not.  I think I need to start a hand written diet plan again and just stick to it. I know what I'm suppose to do but I just don't do it.  So, what I will try to do is to write all my food down on paper and maybe it will help me to see that I AM actually eating to much and hopefully it will remind me to keep it to my meals and healthy snacks only.  I'm going to start this tomorrow and I will try to update each day here so if anyone can give me tips I'm all ears!!  Please don't feel that you will offend me in any way because I really need opinions as to what I may be doing wrong. 
Still have not gotten to pics on this computer yet...we have just been so busy getting things back in order here.  But I will try to do it by the end of the week for sure.


Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((hUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))))I hope you had a nice time on your vaction,what did you all do?Did you go to the beach?Fl is so nice there.Its hard when your on vaction and your diting,you dont want to diet on vaction.I have one idea that maybe of some help,maybe not.Once you keep at your diet and doing well,give yourself a treat,evey now and than,you deserve that.Its so hard to diet.Good luck to you!!!

Anonymous said...

WE can do this. You are not alone.  I know the feeling because I'm feeling it to.  WE are so worth it.  I emailed you some ideas so I won't repeat them all here.  Let's make a pact to get this off and do it once and for all!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to lose weight for some time now and I've lost 7 lbs, albeit over a few weeks, lol!

We are off to California two weeks today and will be there for three weeks, now I NEVER diet when I am on holiday, despite what WW or Slimming World says, I like to enjoy my holiday.  Last year we were in California for three weeks and would you believe I only put on 3lbs the whole time I was there?!  My husband didn't put any weight on at all and he needs to liose some too.  We think it was probably because it was very hot and we also did a lot of walking.

I do think it's a good idea to write everything down, absolutely everything, you can then see where you may have gone wrong.  Good luck to you anyway, perhaps we should start a J-Land Diet Club!! ~~~ Pat