Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Catching up!

First!!! Shell I forgot to tell you this in emial!  Sunday, Nick went to Grandmas while we watched the game and he stayed there for a few hours after the game too.  I got a call from grandma telling me that Nick had an accident but he was ok.  I asked what sort of accident!  She says well he choked on a peppermint candy! She had to do the Heimlich on him!!!  OMGOSH!  I was freaked!  He was so scared!  SO no more peppermint candy's for him!  I never give him that sort of thing and I keep telling everyone that he should not have those but grandma would give him them anyhow lol!  NOW she won't anymore!  Now she won't even give him a sucker! lol  I think it scared her more then him! 

Ok so here is how yesterday went.  We had a VERY busy day with apts and that's why I wasn't able to get online. I was just so tired I didn't even turn it on!  Anyway, Nick and I woke up about 8ish...I got in the shower and got Nick cleaned up and dressed.  Called the vet for cubby Dried my hair and then My alarm reminder started ringing off on my cell phone!  APT here APT there. 

Vet told me to bring cubby in right away and they would TRY to fit him in.  I was a fill in apt so I would have to wait.  I took my MIL along to keep Nick occupied.  That was a huge help!  SO we waited, and waited, and finally they called Cubby.  Vet checked him over and said he's going to have to do Xrays to find out if something is cracked or broken.  So we left him there and I took my MIL back home and called my daughter to take over for her.  I picked  her and her new boyfriend up (he's very nice by the way)  and we went back to the vet to pick cubby up.  By this time it's getting close to 2pm and I have to be at hubbys work by 2:30 to get to our NEXT apt which is my son's IEP meeting.   He shows me his Xray and explains to me whats all wrong with him...OH BOY!  There was much more then we expected in a 6 yr old dog!  He found NOTHING wrong with his bones...none were broken or cracked in any way. He's thinking he got bruised or there was a sprain.  SO that was good news but then he said...well, we found some other problems with cubby....he has bladder stones (not bothering him now but will in the future) he has arthritis, he has hip diplasia in his right hip (he was favoring his left)  and he has a knee popping in and out of joint.  WHAT ELSE!??  The major thing to fix is his bladders stones...he has a big one in his bladder and a smaller one in the line leading down his penis.  POOR BABY!  SO NOW  I ask him...how much is this all going to cost us?!  He's says upward of a thousand...maybe more!  Now I'm scared because I know Cory is going to freak out over this.  Cubby is my baby and I wouldn't think twice about fixing him up...he's still so young.  But I'm not sure about hubby.  We really don't have the money right now to do it either!  He's on pain meds and some other meds to help him for now but sooner then later we will have to make a decision.  We can't let him live in such pain. After paying the bill (it was over 300 bucks) we left to pick up Cory.

Ok on to my next apt...Stefans' IEP, it was at 3.  Not all the people showed up that should have showed up, I hate that!   We got all good news from his teachers of course and he is doing just awesome.  That apt was over in an hour and off we went...dropped Cory back off at work and Stefan and I went home so I could get supper made before our next apt of the day.  Had dinner, I packed Cory's in a container so he could eat on the way to the school.   Our next apt...at 6:45 at Stefan's High school to the Academic awards ceremony.  He got his silver medal!  We were so proud of him!  That lasted about an hour and 1/2.  The children all receiving awards were the top 25 % of their class.  Stefan was in the top 5 %.  Now it's off for home for the last time today!  We watched a movie (The Condemned) and it was pretty good.  Lots of violence but good.  Then we went to bed!  It was a long day!! I did ok on diet tho except I ended up having two slices of toast with butter and a Pepsi.  Well, I'm going to go have breakfast before it's lunch time! lol 

More notes on another movie:

 We watched a movie called "The Ultimate Gift" and man if you get a chance to see that movie DO IT! IT was the best movie I have seen in a LONG time!  We watched it twice that night.  I promise you, you won't be sorry you rented it. I'm going to buy it. 


Anonymous said...

I've read the book and seen the movie of "The Ultimate Gift."  Everyone in the world should watch that movie.   Sorry to hear about your Cubby.  It's so sad when our pets get sick.  I have pet medical insurance but it's $12.50 a month and they don't pay everything.  I had Gabi to the vet last spring the bill was over $300 and the insurance reimbursed me only $165.  Better than nothing but is the $12.50 a month worth it.  Should I be putting that money in a fund to build up incase I need it?  I don't know.   I'm glad to hear grandma knew the Heimlich...that was scary!   Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

My yorkie had the same knee problem.  Surgery was $1000 for that.  He's good as can be now.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I got tired just READING about your day!!

Anonymous said...

LOL on Grandma and not even letting him have suckers now. That'll show her. I bet it did share the crap outta her. Congrats on son getting academic award. Bravo. Never have watched that movie, but I'll look for it.
Take care, Chrissie