Saturday, September 15, 2007

Weigh in

weightloss.gif picture by 2breakaway1968

ththproudloser-1.gif proud image by biggstbratever

This morning was a good morning.  I weighed in 5.8 lbs lighter on the scale which brings me down to 279.6 now.  So even with  the 1/2 gains the last 4 weeks I am still at a 5 lb loss since starting weight watchers.  So It is just like a new start for me and I'm going to keep moving.  The differences were journaling and limiting soda.  I also added some more water but still could drink more of that too.  I finally just realized that I DO need to start writing every thing I eat down or I'm not going to succeed!  Simple as that.  I FELT as if I was doing OK the past 8 weeks but I really haven't been at all. When I  sat down and journaled one of my "bad" days where I thought I was doing was amazing at how many points I was something like 65-70 points and I should only be eating 33!  Thats where the extra pounds were coming from.  I was not adding the hidden butter in the mashed potatoes, or the whole milk added to our dinners.  All that really adds up.  NOW I add EVERYTHING before we even make the meal and having to add all that I tend to add less of it to try to bring the points down and it still tastes just as good.  I made home made potato soup the other day and left out the cheese and it was awesome!  Tasted wonderful and flavorful! 

I got in two days of walking this week and my goal for this next week is to get in three.  I have to be careful with my knee and be sure if it does start to hurt to take a day off. I'm hoping that in 30 lbs it will begin to feel better again.  Right now it's not really  hurting but I do still feel the strain going up stairs.

Well, were going shopping today so I should be able to add some steps to my pedometer...still have not made it up to 10,000 steps which is one of my goals.  Hope to do it after I get some of this weigh off. 

Other then that...we will prob just stay home try to get some of our windows cleaned today or for sure tomorrow when it's going to get back up to 70.  This morning it was 25 degrees here but our house upstairs only got down to  66 degrees!  This house is very well insulated.  We never did turn on our heat. It's now 69 and 50 outdoors so it's plenty warm in here now.  I will talk to you all later but just wanted to share because I was so excited about it!~  Hope you all are having a good day today.


Anonymous said...

That's GREAT news!!!    Your attitude is also great, and THAT is why you are going to be a success!   Are those pedometers hard to set up and use?

Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO on the LOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!  I agree, it's very important to journal what you eat, it's amazing how out of control it can get without you even realizing it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss.  Remember, if you loose slowly, your more able to keep the weight from coming back.

Anonymous said...

YAY for you! :)  We are close to being in the same place. WE can do this!!!! :)  One day, one lb at a time! :)