Tuesday, September 18, 2007



Oh MY what is wrong with me!?  I am UP and NICK is NOT up.  I'm tired but since my son woke me up before school and asked me if he should feed the dog I cannot go back to sleep!  He KNOWS he has to feed the dog every morning! lol  We just had this discussion yesterday and I even have all the food in packages so he knows how much!  The vet has him on three meals a day PLUS a bonus of soft food added to his mid meal so he can gain some fat on his bones...REMEMBER, we were starving the poor dog because I did not read the package right!  BAD MOMMY!  The dog has gained a lot of weight (he was gaining like crazy before even!) and has WAY more energy now. lol  He has been in heaven with all this food lately. 

About MY diet...I did great last night and about to have a breakfast of cheerios with skim milk.  I had to run into town last night because I forgot my cheerios and back in the PRE diet days I would have stopped at BK for a number 6 meal!  I passed that right up and went on my Merry way!  I don't know where I found my willpower but I'm not complaining.  It took a while to be able to finally do some good when it comes to my diet.  Well, I'm off for now but will be back later to update.


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a better afternoon then morning.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that the dieting is going well for you!  Keep it up and keep us posted on your progress.

Hope Nick gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

Good job passing on BK. You have me hooked on BLTs now. I just had one for breakfast. I buy the precooked bacon that you just have to microwave and it is way easier than frying the bacon. It is also just as crispy as it would be fryed. You should try it out.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add it is 70 calories and 5 grams of fat for the 3 slices needed for the BLT.