Sunday, September 16, 2007


green_bay_packers_big_3_2003_2.jpg packers baby!!!! image by lil-d-curry

Yup the packers play today :)They won their last game :)  I love them...I always will!  Even if they play badly I still love them.  lol  Anyone else out there a packer fan? 

I have kept my eating under control and did great!  And we have BLT's planned for the game this afternoon.  I can have two for 12 points.  It's worth it to me.

We went shopping last night and got a van full of grocery's the only bad thing was that my son stayed over night at a friends house and we had to carry all that up stairs ourselves!  NOT FUN! lol  It did give us exercise. We decided against ALL snack foods (hubby agreed with me) and now I won't feel tempted to eat them :)  Although we had snack food in the house last week and I did  fine.  Usually it's the snack foods I don't like much like peppery flavored chips. 

They say it takes 21 days or something like that to form a habit so I hope to make it to my 22nd day on this new eating plan and hope it sticks with me.  I have never made it that far in many years! I will be one proud girl!  Well it's off to make breakfast and all that good stuff before the game starts.  Hope you all are having a good one! 


Anonymous said...

You are doing great.  You are going to make it to your 30th day.  You are my inspiration!!!  We are going to do this!!!

Anonymous said...

Right here---HUGE Packer Fan! :)  Grew up in WI and despite 20 years in MN I refuse to give that up! :) lol

YAY!  They won today. I am so sad I hardly get to see the games because they almost always play the same as the Vikings or on days when they don't they still don't play them. :(  Have to settle for internet, radio and/or updates on the TV. SIgh............  Nothing like a live Packer Game!

Good job on the eating--wish I could say the same for myself. It comes and goes.  SOoner or later I will want the weight loss more then the food--just need a big kick in the pants or something! : )

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Regular chips are my downfall. No..I can't have just one!  Football, is not my thing & fortunately the man in my life doesn't care to watch it either, so life is good.  Hope you had a good day and your team won.   Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

I hate football season.  Nothing in the house seems to get during this time! LOL