Friday, August 17, 2007


   WOW it's Friday already!  Got good internet is fixed!  :)  Well, at least so far.  The internet people came out today and put up a REALLY tall tower on top of the house and now it's working.  Yeah! 
So I can start by saying that it's been a really long couple weeks with having NO internet and no journal updates to post.  I'm glad I can get back to normal now and start reading/commenting and posting on journals.  I will probably be up late trying to catch up on comments.  I'm not going to go back and comment on old entries but I will get to all the newer entries.  For the last day I was not even able to READ journals.  So I have to go read and catch up.  I hope all is well around here.  Anyway, I will start tomorrow with normal posts :)  Just wanted to post this to let everyone know I should be back to normal now and I hope it stays that way. 


Anonymous said...

glad you got your internet fixed.  that is a bummer that is was messed up for so long.  glad you back with us.
have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Glad your internet is finally fixed.

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))WoooooooooHooooooooo,Glad your puter is fixed.Thats hwat I am doing this weekend,catching up on alerts.