Sunday, August 19, 2007

Our emergancy visit update

Mickey-1.gif picture by 2breakaway1968

Well, our visit didn't make it to the emergency part but only the the walk in. I didn't think they were open on a Sunday but they that saved us lots of money! 

blood_test.jpg blood test image by greencatteacup

Stefan, after three different tests was diagnosed with MONO!  Heather, you were right...and that is exactly what I was thinking as well.  He is just miserable and they tell me that there is nothing they can give him...that he has to live with it.  He may be miserable for up to 5 months!  He is still sleeping since we got home.  His throat is killing him and all he can take for it is Advil.
Doctor.gif Doctor image by Jackie_1947

I'm going to see our regular doctor in a week or so and will ask her if there is anything else she could give him to help the pain.
thfaintdog.gif dog fainting image by debk67
 Today after the blood tests he almost fainted.  He looked at the three tubes of blood they took and turned instantly white and felt like he was going to throw up.  He got tremendously cold and needed a heated blanket to warm up.  He was better in about 10 min or so.  So now I have to keep him away from Nick so he doesn't end up with it.  His friend went home today after staying 4 days and he had been drinking after Stefan so I'm sure he will end up with it.  That would suck for him! 

Stefan did have it the entire time he was at camp so he's had it now a little over a month and 1/2.  She says he's over the worse part of it but man...he was crying last night because it hurt so bad. I felt terrible for him.  He has not lost his appetite tho!  So that's good!

Well our internet antenna is up on our roof and it's about 12 feet tall lol  It looks like our house is really hooked up! But I won't works! I should take a picture of it tomorrow.

Well I'm going to go eat our pasty's for dinner and will update tomorrow. Have a great night and thanks for the good wishes for Stefan :)


Anonymous said...

ok woman! i reset all my alerts....actually what i did was delete them all?  then add them all back...holy cow!

Im backkkkkk!



Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))Oh my,poor Stefan,He will be in my prayers.I hope Nick doesnt gte it.HAve a good day.I was thinking and praying for Him last night.

Anonymous said...

Hope he feels better soon...MONO is awful...poor kid...
Have a great week..

Anonymous said...

Ughhh I had that (got it from my brother) it's awful. Poor guy, I know I was given some meds that helped, just don't recall which. Hope he feels better soon though.

Anonymous said...

Poor kid!  Mono does sound like what he has.  And yes, Mono is viral so there is nothing they can do.  It can last for months!  

Anonymous said...

What made me think mono was because he HAD been at camp and probably was exposed to it there. My big brother got it his first year of college and I remember him being soooo sick and run down and even having what he thought was a seizure, which scared the hell out of him because our dad has epilepsy. So... yeah... sorry I was right... that comes from my MD - mommy degree.... sorry he's so miserable. I have always been suceptible to strep throat and that is an UNgodly pain. nothing helps except hot drinks so try to get him to do hot tea with lemon and honey and a splash of brandy or something to make him tingly.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Stefan!  Poor guy!  

I'm glad to see you are able to post again.  Hopefully for good this time. :)