I bought a Pedometer today so I can keep track of my steps today. I will fill you in at the end of the day as to how many I got. It said in the book that I need to do my regular routine so I can get an accurate measure on how many steps in a day I actually get. I'm pretty curious. I'm sure it's not a whole lot! The good news is I can only improve!
I had a real crazy day but all I know is today WILL be better! I have some pictures to post
Wrestling and weight lifting are really doing him well. I'm glad becasue he's the only real healthy one of the family! He's a great example!!!
((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))Keep up the good work on dieting.Now the sodas,I have to have a soda in the house or I would go nuts.lol.You have a hadsome son there.Thanks for always commenting on my journal.Hope you have a nce day.
No wonder the girls flock to him...lol!!!! YOu are doing great. Don't let one slip bring you down. I'm sure it won't be the last. We are human. I'm here for you and with you holding your hand the whole way. I'm proud of you!! Keep up the good work!!
Yesterday is past, we just need to do better today.....and you have! Good for you!!
Your son is cute.....better lock him away from the girls :)
Pooh Hugs,
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