Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Ok my baby went to bed a little earlier tonight...this entry is actually being written at 1am!  I'm always up late and I should go to bed earlier cuz I'm not good at NOT eating at this time of night!  I'm doing good though and have NOT splurged!!  I'm going to bed right after I'm done writing this and will update as the day goes on. I did add my food pics in the previous entry if any of you missed it! lol  And a few more of my kids too. 
The reason I wanted to get this entry in is to CLAIM my 30 min of exercise...I would have taken a pic of it BUT we went to the YMCA!! Ya me. I walked for 30 min..I would have done more but the place closed up.  We went very late but at least I got two days in a row in :) I'm so proud of myself!  Ok better get to bed...food, food may take over!  Night all and will update with pics and other stuff tomorrow!~ 

OH my camera battery is dead and I have to find my charger! lol It usually takes FOREVER to die so we end up putting the charger away and can't find it!  Now I have a dead batter and NO charger. I'm searching though!  Hopefully I can post pics yet tonight. I have a cute pic of my baby to post.  If not I will post more tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

HI!!! I got your info from your comment in the Giving Tree, I keep trying to email you the info you requested but it says it is not a valid email address ;( So you can email me at CanyonSun04@aol.com and I will send you the info!!!!
Good luck with your new eating and workout routine;)

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))))))))Hi there,good moring!!!Hope you got some sleep.Keep on keeping on.I am proud of you for keeping up with your goal.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Two days in a row for exercise.....WHOOHOOOO!!! It always feels so good when we meet the goals we set for ourselves doesn't it? You were tired and busy but you still made time for "you" and did it....GOOD FOR YOU!! KOKO....I'm proud of you :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

You are doing great!