Monday, March 31, 2008

Catching up

WOW has it ever been a long week for me.  Seemed to go on forever.  Now spring break is over and Stefan and Alex are back to school.  Yes, Alex is still going :))) I'm so very proud of her for going back!  She still has some other issues she needs to get straightened out but don't we all!!   I wish she would get rid of the "friend" of hers.  She loves his to death but he is just using her for her car and her money right now.  She will see it soon enough. 

Anyhow...I have lots to share with you all.  First...I finally got my recipe ready to post so watch for that today!  Check out Cory and Carrie's kitchen for that's a public journal so you can share it with anyone you want.  I also have a movie review and IT'S SNOWING like crazy here so I took some video of that.  I also have pics and video of the kids from the day I babysat for my niece :) Those are cute.  And I think that's about it.  But I just wanted to come on and let you all know I didn't get lost. I  will be working on my other entries now...had to export pictures...and they just got done :)  I will be back soon.  Hope everyone out there is having a fantastic day.  I also have not been able to read much but I will get to your journals this week yet!  I will try to catch the new entries today at least. 


Anonymous said...

I think you guys have had enough snow!

Anonymous said...

Wow!  I am SO proud of Alex going back to school!  That is GREAT!!!!

Yeah...she is going to have to learn on her own about this "friend" of hers....we all had to do will be hard for her, but she will figure it out and be a better person for it.....
