Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is Spring here?

Everyone tells me it is here today...all the journals I read say it is!  I don't see it!!!!

It's 17 degrees this morning!  Suppose to warm up but I didn't even look to see what it was going to warm up too today...maybe 35...barely warm enough to start melting the snow away.  Here is what it looks like around here today:

Our oil tank is still buried in the snow! lol 

Now I love Snow and I love winter and I'm sure by end of July you will hear my gripping about the heat but THIS is crazy! I am ready for some snow to start melting now.  I'm not sure how warm it's suppose to get today huh hopefully it will reach close to 40 or so.  I have to go look in a bit but just wanted to come and rant! 
Anyone having this 60 70 degree temps send some this way! lol  PLEASE??? 

OH I forgot to mention in my last post that my dear daughter went back to school last week!  I am SOO very proud of her and she is doing great.  She really wants that diploma badly and now she knows she has to work for it to earn it.  The GED just doesn't compare to a regular high school diploma! I mean I have been in the back office even at our hotel.  When an app comes in I hear the managers talk and say "OH they have a GED, well that proves right there that they are not willing to stick it out and graduate, lets hire the one with the diploma"  Just that kind of thing.  It's not right and it sucks but it's the facts of life now a days.  The graduate will get the job any time over someone that has a GED. I know this first hand...I quit school  in my JR year and NO one would hire me.  NO ONE!  And until I met my husband now...and he made me go back to high school I didn't have a job!  Now I can at least say...yes, I do have 12 years of schooling in!  And a year of college too.  If it were not for him I would have never done it.  He was very smart and really popular in high school so I made several friend quickly.  I actually went to school every day and went from getting D's and F's to being on the honor roll.  My MIL still has the newspaper clipping of it! lol  She was pretty proud of me.  My daughter knows this and I think it helps in her decision making.  She is seeing just how hard it is to get a job out there.  And a job you enjoy doing. 

Ok this entry was not suppose to get this long lol So I will take off for now..just wanted to ask you all to send warmth my way!


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful!!
I knew your proud of her, it is hard but worth the time and work to get the HS diploma.  And you!!  One smart husband, he turned your life around by just meeting him....fate!  

It was cold this morning but should warm up this afternoon, I hope to get Tommy outside for so play time.  


Anonymous said...

I can see why you are proud of her. I think it's great that she is going for that diploma. It is a bit chilly here today but the sun is shining brightly. I made those apple blossom pictures. I read in the long range forcast that it is supposed to get down to 32º one night soon so that will get everything blooming. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

When it warms up I'll believe Spring is here until then. Count me in as one of the non-believers. I ended up taking my GED simply because I had way too many credits when I came here from Fla. They said it wouldn't make sense to take another year of high school at that point...I have been fortunate it's never stepped on my toes. I'm proud of your daughter for taking the inititive and going back to school. Mine failed her first year of college (I think it was more spite than lack of brains)...I hope someday she does go back and finish. I most certainly don't want her to have to make a living at Wal-Mart of all places. She's a bright, intelligent woman. I hope someday she continues her dream of being a veterinarian, or at least a vet tech. Here's to hoping Spring arrives shortly, it's NOT here yet in NY either. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Not at all nice here in the UK today ,very cold and wet ,it cant make up its mind about snow ,Very weel done to your daughter and come to that very well done you too Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you're not alone.  Spring hasn't arrived in PA either!

Anonymous said...

No spring here either :( .
Wow glad your daughter realized that. It's so hard to tell them stuff when THEY KNOW IT ALL (rolling my eyes). Yes, that is how the world works. I see it here all the time.
My son didn't graduate school bored him really. When he was a jr he dropped out and got his GED because he said he didn't have time for school. He just wanted a job then he went out in the big bad world and found out nobody wanted anything to do with him for the reason that he gave up and dropped out, but he knew it all then and nobody could tell him anything. Now thank goodness he's starting to come around, but he still can't get a job other than factory or fast food. So he's finally figuring out that he needs to go to college and get some sort of degree. He's a computer geek and very smart so I hope he goes into that field.
I wondered IF you all still had lots of snow on the ground. I sure hope the warmth comes your way to melt it soon.
You'll have to take pictures this spring and summer so I can see what it looks like not being white. lol.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

in my state if a child is home schooled they get a GED and it is the equivalent of a diploma. Maybe it is different in your state.
Wow, that snow is deep! I pray you get some higher temps so you can get rid of that snow since it is spring now!
XO lj