Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday already! RANT AGAIN! lol

Wow this weekend seemed to of went flying by!  We didn't do much really...just watched a few movies and we went into town to buy some farm fresh eggs! Then I spent some time on the Pioneer Women's web site and I am trying some of her dishes!  WOW she has some yummy stuff over there!  It was my first visit to her site and I loved it!  We have also spent a lot of time on the internet together this weekend looking at Beef, chicken and pork and we have decided on a few different things.

WARNING:  Here comes the rant! If you want to skip this just go to the END RANT in red! lol

First off we seen how TERRIBLE these animals are being treated at plants they are "raised" in!  It is beyond what we ever imagined!  Seriously folks!!!  What is wrong with our government!?  They allow this crap to continue and these poor animals are suffering.   People are suffering with the run offs from the CAFO plants (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) and it's horrible what some people have to put up with!  Google it to see if there are any in your area. I know we found NINE in our city alone!  All this crap runs off into our streams and rivers and is hazardous to us and our children. 

With all this said we have found many "family" farms who treat their animals with respect and don't load them up on antibiotics and fill them up with corn products and we will buy our beef from them from now on.  We also found a chicken place where they raise chickens and treat them well rather then throwing them all in a stench filled room with 20 chickens to a cage!  We will get our chickens from them.  Everything is grass fed 100% and that is a real blessing to us!  They also sell pork too!  Were all set!  We have been getting our eggs from a farmer near us and the eggs have been simply amazing!  The yolk hold SO much more omega 3's over reg store eggs rather then Omega 6 which we really don't need!! 

The food industry takes out all the good stuff and fill it up with preservatives so the crap will last longer on the shelves!   It's so scary!  No wonder so many out there are suffering from cancer.  It's just unacceptable what they have added to our foods over the years and I refuse to feed my kids that...I want to know I at least tried to do something good for my kids...yes, it's going to cost a little more but if I have to I will get a job to meet the difference.  I wish we would have done this a lot sooner. 

Did you guys see that even TOYS are not safe anymore!?  They have found led in the Hannah Montana toys and thalons (sp?) in the hard plastic baby toys (U know the ones our babies CHEW ON!) it is very unsafe for our children. They have done a lot of testing and our children today have WAY more bouts of cancer then ever before!  One of the toys is the Handy Maney plastic tool set, another is the Gumby doll, and we all remember those teething rings that had the water looking like stuff in them...that too!!  All these things have been banned in many other counties! WHY is it still allowed in the USA??  I swear I want to move to England! lol  The funny thing...they had a gov meeting in England and they banned these toys BECAUSE of the research found in AMERICA!  HUH!?  They got it was bad and did the right thing and banned it but we didn't? 


Ok I feel better now!  SO now you have it...we have to finish up our meat here and our In laws will then go in with us to buy a 1/2 cow (organic, grass fed ONLY, and well treated cow)

I have some pictures I want to share with you.  My MIL got us two new bread pans! :)  We were thrilled and now can give HERS back to her!  We were "borrowing" one for a month now! lol  Here it is!  As you can see its ready to go into the oven :) This is lite wheat bread below

Here is a trick I learned when my son got aggravated with trying to get PULP out of his sippy cup! lol  It must have been so frustrating for him! This works wonders! lol  It's a coffee filter.

We had a wonderful looking morning today and I tried to get pictures of it but it just didn't show the same thing I was seeing. I was so mad! lol I wanted you all to see what I was seeing here!  We had this sparkly diamond lookto our trees this morning! It was just amazing and here are a few pics but none do it justice!  I'm guessing it must have sprinkled just a bit last night or early this morning.  We still have tons of snow on the ground but after seeing this when I woke up It reminded me WHY I love winter so much!  It was 18 degrees here this morning.

OK NOW I DID make  Cashew chicken BUT I wanted to add more pictures that I forgot to take when I made it the first time so later today I'm going to make another batch and freeze it just so I can get the pictures I missed and then I will add that recipe to my journal.   Here is what the "finished" dinner looks like! OH THIS IS GOOD folks!  A little on the spicy side but if you enjoy spicy you will LOVE this!  Heck you could even cut the peppery ingredients and have little or no spice. It's good either way!  We love a little kick though!  It's just like Kung Pao Chicken! Tastes VERY similar.  This is served over white rice. 


Anonymous said...

I think what you saw on the trees is called hoar frost. That bread looks so yummy and so does the Cashew chicken dish. Helen

Anonymous said...

We have a few farms here that are all "organic" farms.  We've talking about buying 1/2 cow and some chickens.  The price is hefty, but in the long run, the meat is better and it ends up cheaper.

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you FARM FRESH MEAT is the best. People don't understand what a difference there is in the taste of the meat. Our friends raise cows for meat. The roast, steaks and hamburger I have eaten off of it was delicious.
Congrats on getting two new pans. They'll get a work out. Bread always looks so good.
LOL love the coffee filter idea for Nic's juice cup.
Those pictures looked so pretty, but you're right nothing like what you probably saw because I bet those trees looked like crystal.
That chicken looks really good. I'm not a big spicy eater because it hurts my stomach, but nice to know you can cut down on the stuff and wouldn't be to hot.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

i cant wait to get your chicken DH loves spicy food....that loaf of bread looks divine.....if i lived near you, i would buy bread from YOU!
XO lj

Anonymous said...

Ooooo looks nice and tasty :o)  Your rant sounds similiar to a campaign a bloke started over here called Chicken Out.  He did a tv programme showing us the cruel way the cheap chicken in the supermarket is being raised.  Then the difference that free range chickens are kept.  Now everyone tries to buy Free Range whereever possible.  It is ridiculous the way these farmers are cutting corners just so we can have meat.......


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with everything my good friend Jenny wrote in the last comment. Love Pam xx

Anonymous said...

I understand your rant, and now that our grocery store went out of business....we feel free to buy meat, chicken, & eggs from a local farm, and do. When we had the store though, we couldn't do that and then expect our customers to buy it from us, you know? They have bisen meat too, and it is delicious and so low fat!
I'm glad you had a nice Easter...and I love the coffee filter on the sippy cup, you are so creative!!!!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Your journal is way too wide!  Linda