Saturday, March 1, 2008

Just stuff and pictures too

Ok come on guys!  I need two more for my pay it forward challenge!!  COME PLAY! Leave me a message on that entry (previous one) if you want to play! The gifts you send don't have to be expensive or crazy but just nice. 

Next just wanted to come say hi.  We went into town yesterday and got all our shopping done.  I got home and smelled smoke or something like that when I opened my fridge!  I told Cory and he said his nose is stuffed up so he didn't smell anything!  He said well we will just leave it and see what happens.  So if you don't hear from me in a while...maybe my fridge blew up?  lol GOSH, that's all we need!  To have to come up with the money to fix that too! lol  We can't even fix our van right now. Good thing we didn't move the fridge that is in our laundry room out yet!  We man need it.  Our fridge is not that old and we got it from sears but it's been the worst fridge EVER. It's always leaked a little water and over 3 weeks time there is a huge hunk of ice at the bottom of the freezer that I take my big knife handle and chop it out ALL the time!  ANNOYING!

Anyway, I got the cutest picture of Jack that I wanted to share: 

This cat is forever meowing at me lol I think he is still thanking me for saving him from the freezing temps when someone dumped him in our yard! Isn't he cute!!

And then we have "THE KING" Aspen...he is just the boss of the house and you can see his attitude. He's the oldest now that our Bailey dog is gone. He's a gentle giant tho and he loves that kitten!

Ok on to a movie review: 

FLUSHED AWAY:  Great kid movie and we liked it too!  We give it a thumb and 1/2!  lol  It's not quite TWO because there are some kid movies that are better.  But this is worth renting. 

MARTIAN CHILD:  OH this was a VERY cute movie. Our video store only carried 4 copies and I can't figure out why!  IT was awesome and it got two thumbs up from us!  Very cute and a very good movie to watch with children!  Have some Kleenex ready for a few parts of this movie though.  OH I cried so hard on one part! 

That's it for now...we are going to watching more later today and I will add them later on.  Have to get to some cleaning now.  :((((


Anonymous said...

Flushed Away sounds cute. OMG, that cat is a trip....the eyes, the eyes!! LOL

Does your fridge need to be defrosted or does it do it itself? Maybe the coils on the back need to be cleaned off or there is not enough room between the wall and the coils? My fridge died last yr and we had a crappy spare from RIck's dead grandma to use.
HUGS, lisa

Anonymous said...

We got a movie from DVD swap yesterday, Larry the Cable Guy.  Rated it a C, I am listed again this morning to mail off to the next person that wants it.


Anonymous said...

Awww... that is a cute pic of him meowing at you. LOL the King looks exactly like why are you taking my pic did I tell you you could. Hope the fridge doesn't go out. I have a list of things to fix too.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

OMG!!  As soon as I saw the picture of Jack I started laughing!  He's such a cutie.  Hope your fridge doesn't quit on you.

Anonymous said...

Loved the kittie pics.  Jason liked the one of Jack meowing so much that he's making me save it to my comp and email it to him so he can use it as  a wallpaper for the main computer. LOL!!!  Jack looks identical to the one kitten we saved that we call Skitty.