Monday, March 3, 2008

Found something out

If you take your bread out of the oven 2 min earlier...(23 min total in oven) it's MUCH softer!  This bread is really yummy and doesn't this look like store bought bread!?  I promise it's not!  Even tho we store it in a "store bread bag" lol  It's just as soft as the store bought stuff tho I have to say.  Were getting pretty good at this bread making stuff!  I make prob a loaf every day.  My house always smells like baked bread.  YUM! 

I think I'm going to make some banana bread with my bread flour to see how that turns out. 
Were not sure of the buns we made last night.  We will be trying a different recipe for sure.  Those ones were really super soft the first 1/2 day but then they kind of got harder...or heavy feeling.  It didn't call for blooming the yeast but I think were going to bloom it first like we do the bread to see if that helps.  If anyone out there has a good bun recipe let me know!  


Anonymous said...

oh i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your bread pics.....i want some too!! LOL
You are a great baker!

Anonymous said...

I do that with cookies also.  Then they are so soft and chewy!


Anonymous said...

That bread looks fantastic! I can almost smell it through the computer screen! :)

Anonymous said...

i'm glad i read this before sticking the bread in the oven :)

it does look good, better than store bread!


Anonymous said...

I love banana bread and I'm so sad because I lost my most favorite recipe for it. It had sour cream in it and just made it so moist. I use to be able to go to the city office (don't think many know this) and pick up very ripe bananas for free. They had them left over from free lunch programs. Great IF you're going straight home to cook lots of banana stuff. Let us know how it turns out.
Take care, Chrissie