Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Better (a little anyhow)

OK a little better today...I was actually able to FLUSH both toilets without it overflowing.  Which means we prob need our septic pumped so we ordered that before the guys come for the pipes just in case that is all it needs.  It's been over a year and 1/2 so It's time either way.  Keep fingers crossed...they will be here tomorrow!  YA  I'm going to try to do dished now and see if it doesn't flood out on us. 

AWW,  my niece just wrote the cutest entry...check it out:

My niece and her boyfriend make such a cute couple but it did take her forever to say  yes to him (just going out on a date)  so I'm glad he didn't give up on her. I knew he would be perfect for her.  She wrote something about what he said to her and it was so cute.  I'm so happy for them...and they are such good parents too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))I am glad you got your problem fixed.I will go over and take a peak at your neices journal.Have a nice day.