Sunday, February 4, 2007


Well it's warmed up a little from yesterday although it's going to get right back down to -20 so I guess we better enjoy the -7 for now lol.  I just hope my van starts after work tonight.  It's been pretty slow but I've been watching the SuperBowl so I'm not online much yet today since I got here.  I will be on more later tonight after the game.  I mostly watch it for the commercials and the 1/2 time show. lol  I am curious who's going to win though.   Probablly no pics tonight since I'm at work but will post some tomorrow. Next week I start weighing in every week again. I had to stay off the scales for a month with the new program I started.  (The best life diet)  It's been fun though becuase I got to eat whatever I wanted pretty much :) 

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