Monday, February 5, 2007

Huge problem

UPDATE:  Later tonight (midnight in fact)  STILL NO WATER, no toilet, no shower, no laundry, no bath for nick which is due tomorrow, no dishes i did do some and emptied the dirty water over our balcony, nothing that has to do with running any water!  ALL the plumbers are totally booked up till WED and WED was possibly the soonest they could get here.  SO another whole day with no water.  Lucky for Cory he goes to work and he's stopping at the Y to shower on the way there.  I get to smell funky tomorrow unless I go to the Y too to shower.  AND it means another day of bugging Grandpa for his toilet and another day running NIck out in the cold to do it. It will only be him and I tomorrow so I have no choice but to take him with me.  OH and lets not forget that we were POTTY TRAINING!!! It was going so well too and NOW it's back to diapers.  Poor kid, I totally confused him now.  Well, it's off to brush my teeth OUTSIDE! lol  NO not really...i brush them in the bathroom and just dump the water outside but thought it sounded good anyhow.  lol  I'm trying to keep my humor here through all this. 

Toady we have a HUGE problem!  Our basement flooded out!  Not terribly flooded but it went into the family room and close to Stefan's NEW carpet in his room.  We have play mats on the floor for nick to play on and those were all wet under the mats and our carpet in the laundry room was soaked.  The water was coming from the hole in the floor in the laundry room. Every time you would run water anywhere in the house it would come up through the hole!  I was pretty upset. We don't know if something froze or if something is stuck or what.  Were going to try the snake today and if that don't work were calling the plumber right away.  I'm not fooling around with this and I need to do dishes and use the toilet!!!  Thank god grandma and grandpa live next door! lol  I refuse to run over there every time I need to use the toilet's far enough next door that in the cold you would have to use the car!  It's still about 1/4 mile down the driveways to get to their house.  They have a really long drive.  It would be faster to walk through the woods but not in the snow. 
I will let you know how it goes later for updates.

PICTURE OF MY MOMMY AND DADDY BELOW:  Aren't they prettyful! I stole this from my sisters journal too.  Thanks sis!


Anonymous said...

That sucks! Did you call somehow to come and look at it? Hopefully it won't cost you an arm and a leg.

Anonymous said...

Oh NOOOO this is horrible, I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
I love the picture

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))That is terrible!I will say a prayer that everything goes alright.And that is a pretty pic that you stole from your sisters journal.Bad, a nice evening.