THIS entry has LOTS of info for family and friends: FIRST...
Just got a phone call (from my niece) that my sister's x-boyfriend (also the father to her children) has died of cancer at 6:30 this morning :( NOW my sister and two of her children went to go to an appointment and have not shown up for it. The doctor called and asked my niece if they wanted to reschedule. They were suppose to be there at 11 am and it's 2pm now and no one has heard from them. And they have no cell phone at all. I sure hope everything is ok. UPDATE: They found them...they went shopping instead of going to apt!
My son was chosen for the alternate varsity wrestler for the regional and State wrestling competitions! He was so excited and so am I! Although that means lots of traveling over the next few months (a parent has to go because they are two day events) and staying in hotel rooms. I may be taking Nick along which means I will be VERY busy trying to keep an eye on him AND watch Stefan wrestle. I'm so excited though! He's only a Junior Varsity wrestler so this is very huge for him. Maybe we can all go as a family! That would be cool... i know they are weekend affairs.
UPDATE: I'm getting off here for a while to clean!! If I actually DO I will take some pics. will update later on. Hope you are all doing well and your day is going terrific! :) Check out more updates below with more pics!! And EVEN MORE! lol
This morning was not fun, I had to get up early because we were expecting a package (upgrade for our apple iphoto) and I missed it yesterday and they are going to try again today. Nick woke up early too, I think he heard me out here. SO now we start our day like this! He usually isn't a happy child waking up lol
We went to the grocery store last night after we dried the clothes andi ended up getting 5 more boxes of Organic Rice Krispies! They are only 1.50 a box! They are good for a month and I figure if I eat them EVERY day I will be able to eat them all! lol In fact I'm going to have breakfast right now. Will update later again.
Here is what I had to wake up SO early to get: Our NEW update:
AND, done cleaning the living room...Nick just LOVES our pull out couch. He's acting as if he has never seen it before lol. Check out pics below:
BELOW: Nick wants me to KEEP the pull out sofa bed out! He is not jumping and playing on it. HEY whatever keeps him active right?? AND one room clean and many to go! lol I always seem to start here because this is where we spend a lot of our time. I like it to be clean for sure lol.
Why is it that the "real" food never looks quite like the picture on the carton??? This was ok but it wasn't my favorite. I would maybe have it on a day when I don't feel like cooking. But not often.
Ok below are yet more pics of Nick with Aspen and Aspen alone:
Clean update! Remember how this looked yesterday Heather?? This tile counter is a catch ALL for everything! I just wish it would look like this for a week straight. That is my goal this week! My son Stefan tiled most of this by the way. Didn't he do a fantastic job? He also tiles our kitchen floor at our old house. I will have to get some pics on here to show you.
((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))I think He needs to go back to a nice weekend.
Good Job cleaning your living room, now I need to see the kitchen clean that is always the worst area. I will be checking back for kitchen pics.
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