Here are some pictures I painted from 2001 to 2004
First one is more of a close up of a baby seal that was in Nick's room which I call "Long Cold Winter" He just looked so alone and cold. It was the first painting I had ever done. I was shocked that I could actually tell what it was! lol It was my first painting class and I never expected it to look as good as it did.
Second one is of a kitty who my family named "Elvis Kitty" (Left) cuz they said his mouth is crooked! Poor kitty! I still thought she was adorable.
Last is "Snowy Night" (Right) I think he was my worst one, I just wasn't happy with how he turned out really. I DO love his eyes though...I think it was my favorite thing to paint over all the paintings. And the snow was fun too! lol
Ok NOW proof my days keep getting better! Check out my tire!!!!! My son found this while taking out the garbage today. You may ask WHY is he home on a school day??? Well, his dad and him were on the way to school and I turned on Good Morning America this morning at about 7:15 and heard that his school classes had been cancelled today because of a violence threat against the school. So I had to call hubby to tell him to bring Stefan right back home. School tomorrow though but all backpacks and purses have to be searched before they are let into the school.
I don't know maybe she's trying to tell me she needs a bath before I can take her out in public anymore! LOL YES very dirty but every time I wash it the locks freeze up on me so I'm waiting till the weather warms up.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))I love the painting pics,very beatiful,specilay the city one.I am so glad you kept you son home,that is so terrible,now days,you dont know whats going on in this world.I hope you have a nice relaxing day.
I think Cory is the one who came up with the elvis kitty. I completely forgot about that. How funny. I am having a bad day too, Mondays always seem to be bad.
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw YOU have talent!!!!!!!
You should take some pics of the new clothes for nick from steve so I can see them. K.
Love the paintings sis, you go girl!!! You must get you palent from your, Love the pics of nick. He's so adorable anyway. Sorry about the flat, tell hubby vacation is over...
Love Ya,
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