Friday, April 4, 2008


Ok first off...did anyone watch Oprah yesterday?  The pregnant man?  Well it was a man who used to be a women...I was kind of upset because when I seen the show previous it made it out to seem like he was a REAL man.  Oh well!  BUT I did learn something that was interesting...when you take testosterone you clitoris turns into a little penis!!  LOL  I would have never imagined that!  Oprah was so funny asking about that. today she is having a show on puppy mills and how terribly inhumane they are.  PLEASE watch her show today!   Lets get these puppy mills OUT OF HERE for good! 

Movie review: 

UNDERDOG   CUTE CUTE CUTE!  Nic fell asleep while watching it at 7pm!  He has a tiny cold so I think it wore him out.

I am also adding a link to Tom's journal because people should be aware of whats going on here!  This is not right at all!  I got his info through Linda

I have been updating my Kitchen Journal (this is a public journal) with some older recipes and I did put my Cashew chicken on there too. 

The reason I added "tired" to my subject line? Well, I ran into Pioneer Womens journal and fell in love! lol  I was reading and reading and drooling over the pictures and...well...she puts my kitchen journal to shame! lol

My little Nic has been in a funk the past few weeks...he has been calling people names (mainly US).  Names like stupid, idiot, dum dum. Umm his NEW word "bummy" I'm not sure which one I would prefer to be called!~ lol   And he has also said (when he gets mad) "I don't love you anymore!"  Little stinker!!!  He has had several time outs for his little "fits". This has been going on for several weeks now.  One day he had four 3 min times outs in a row for his mouth.  That cured him for the remainder of the day. 
I just don't get why he says all that.  We don't say ANY of those words here. I'm sure he hears them on tv so that's a sign I need to give him limits there I suppose! In reality he really doesn't watch that much tv anymore because we no longer have cable.  He plays in his room or out here by me most of the time.  The tv is ON but he is not really watching it. Maybe he's HEARING it.
At any rate...we have to do something about this...I can't have him going to school calling the kids dum dum or stupid! That just won't be acceptable! 

Next on the list:  AI...Little Ramiele got the boot.  The poor thing was crying like crazy. I felt So bad for  her!  My son comes up and says to me..."are you crying?"  UM NO!!! lol  Yes, I was because it was just so sad!  I hate seeing anyone get cut.  I think the right one was cut but I was shocked to see Brooke on the bottom three!  It was funny how Kristy had her sign reading "Kristy's seat"  How many weeks has she been at on the bottom three??  I like all of them! And yes, I love Krisy Lee too!  I think she is a wonderful singer and she seems so sweet.  And one thing about her..she is JUST like my son when it comes to food! lol  I do choose little David to win...with Big David 2nd.

Ok I know I had more to tell but can't remember right now so I'm going to pack it up for right now and get to my breakfast dishes which by the way was made by my hubby!!  He made omelets (his specialty) Yes, we had an actual "breakfast" this morning.  It was weird not having our normal dinner type foods. 

Hope everyone is doing well and has a great day today!


Anonymous said...

That is kind of a ripoff if the man was already a woman to begin with when he gets pregnant. I went by Tom's journal. His entry hit home. I went deaf at 38. I worked in fields when I was 13, left home and worked full time, went to school full time at 16. The only time I ever took off work was the 3 weeks to have my daughter (yes, I worked all through my pregnancy). So by the time I went deaf, at 38 I had been working almost a solid 22 years. Yet despite my work record, disability made me jump through hoops. They didn't question taking SS from my for 22 years, yet when I needed those funds to live on, they didn't want to give it back either. I would rather work any day than be on disability. Unfortunately the area I live isn't as understanding and accomodating as I would like. Anyway that fight hit home. Thanks for stearing me in his direction. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

What is a puppy mill??  It doesn't sound good!!  The story of the pregnant man has been shown over here on the news a lot today!!  Sorry to hear about Nic and his mouth.  How annoying that he's getting this stuff off the TV.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Thank-you so much for stopping by my journal....

I thank God for taking us through a very difficult valley so many years ago...

That boy is now 43....but soon I will finish "the rest of the story'


Lori   (ABIceQueen_

Anonymous said...

I only caught a part of Oprah on the puppy mills while I was washing out my Mom's fridge, but the part I did see was heart breaking. It is just so sad to see this still going on, and such innocent little babies (and the Mama dogs) being harmed by it are right, we need to find a way to end it!!
Sorry about little Nic and his time outs! It is amazing what they hear, and I think kid's have selective hearing too....they are magnets to those words. LOLOL! TV is filled with crap these days, even a lot of the kid's shows, and I'm just glad I don't have to sift through it anymore for a little one....I don't envy your job!!!! You're a good Mom though, and through your example to, and in talking with him, my bet is he will go to school and be the nicest one there :)

Enjoy your weekend with your family.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Any cruelty to animals is outrageous. I hate anything like that. I didn't pay attention to the so called pregnant man! I will pop over to see Tom now. Love Pam xx

Anonymous said...

those who abuse animals need to be hung by their testicles for life.
Those who do NOT win AI are better off because the winner is stuck in a long term contract.