Thursday, June 14, 2007

Another entry for today

This one deserved an entry all by itself!  I went to the gym tonight!  Just had to come update that...this is actually my second entry for tonight BUT I have updated like crazy today also in the post below this one.  Including pics.  Anyhow, I went to the Y and walked a mile and 1/2 and am very proud. I know it's not much but it's a start.  My side was hurting by the time I reached 1/2 mile but by a mile it went away.  After I walk for about 3 or 4 days in a row my knee starts bothering me too so I hope that doesn't happen.  Maybe after I lose some weight that will go away. On the way out of the Y I also grabbed an apple and that will be my last eat tonight.  That was at 8pm. 
OH and MOrgan actually ate dinner tonight...not a whole lot but she did eat.  Prob cuz I made  pizza for them (I had cereal)! lol  She had a small piece but better then nothing! She also had yogurt and now she wants toast.  I guess all the NOT EATING has caught up with her.  She's actually being pretty good this evening. 

 Will update tomorrow as to weather or not I made it to the gym early or not.  I need lots of prayers for that one! lol  Better start right now.


Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))You did good,I dont think I could go in a diet now,now that I just got a another bill I didnt evne know about till today.It had already gone through the colletiong thingy,I dont know were they are all comming from.I could have sworn I paid everyhting,this bill I belive happend from a year ago,I think,but Dad said it was from 1982 and I was like what?He is going to chekc into it.I think I want to cry.Sorry,about dumping this all on you.Guess i had to get it out.But I am very proud of you,going to the gym and eating healthy.YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!I know its not easy dieting.i am loosing weight and not even trying to.Have a nice nigt.

Anonymous said...

That's good.  I need to get my treadmill going again and do that in between my visits to curves.   Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

I try to walk thirty minutes minimum and that usually is just over a mile an a half... for me it's more about consistency, keeping moving, building the habit than anything else right now. Once the weight has come off (I know from last time) it's easier to do longer distances... build the habit and then you can go further.
Good job!

Anonymous said...

Thats great! :o) Very proud of you! :o)