Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A new baby!

I went to visit my daughters friends new baby. She is adorable.  She is giving her up for adoption and I think it's the most unselfish thing she could ever do. I am so very proud of her. I can't imagine how hard that could be. 

My diet has been going pretty good today.  Much better then last night. We took my daughter and her new boyfriend out to eat to meet him and I had steak and mashed potatoes.  I am doing much better today though.  And tomorrow will be another perfect day...it has to be..I have only a few days to get my weight BACK to where it was and lose maybe a lb more come Saturday weight in at WW.  I MUST do well!  I have not been to the Y today yet and I know I won't be able to go. My hubby is working late and my MIL is not feeling well...so I have to stay home with Nick.  ALthough, I may take a walk when he gets home depending on how dark it is.  It may be to late but what I will do is try to get on the treadmill to see if it will work for me today. It skips a lot and I almost fall on my tushy when walking.  It's pretty dangerous! I will fill you  in as to what I decide to do. 

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