Thursday, June 21, 2007

A good day

Today is going really well again.  I am looking more forward to weigh in on Saturday that's for sure.  I think I may actually have a lb loss to look forward to and after the week I had it will be a negative thats very welcomed!  I was actually thinking about using my "no weigh in pass" so i would not have a positive number on my weigh in passport thingy.  My head ache has officially gone away from yesterday so I hope to make it to the Y today and get some sort of work out this week.  I would like a few days. I think I got three days last week and that is my goal for the first few weeks. I got a total of ONE this week so far.  I can still get in two more before Saturday weigh in. 
I have to go pick up Stefan from school at about 4ish so maybe I will try to get some gym time before I have to pick him up. I will just have to take Nick to the Y daycare. I still have a card left for him there.  We had paid in advance and just use the card when we come in.  He needs to get used to being around other children and learn that he HAS to be nice to them.  I will let you know how that all goes later today. 
So far I had cereal and I have not had a snack, I may just skip it because i'm not even feeling hungry yet.  I will have soup for lunch today and not sure of dinner yet.  But I will NOT eat past 8 today again. 


Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd say hi. Fellow dieter here in J-Land. Good luck on your wt loss.

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((9HUGSTOYOu))))))))))))))))))))You are doing so good.I am proud of you.have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

You are doing great!!!!  Keep up the good work. I bet you'll have more then a pound loss this week.  We are going to kick butt!!!