Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sick day today

WOW I have been just so sick this morning!  Thank goodness NIck has been pretty good and I took a nap the same time he did today.  Kallie, when you called I was home but sleeping.  I woke to my MIL calling at 2 or so.  I have had a horrible migraine so bad that I felt nauseous!  Never had a head ache that bad before and it really sucked. All I wanted to do was hide in a dark room and no matter how I laid my head it hurt. After many Tylenol and  a little nap I'm feeling better now...still have a head ache but nothing like before. I'm wondering if it's after caffeine shock or something. I have not drank caffeine in a few days and I know I get head aches from that but whew!  Not like that.  You migraine sufferers out there!!  I feel so SORRY for you...they are terrible! I cannot imagine having those every single day or even every week.

Diet h as been going really well...I have not had lunch yet because of being sick there was no way I felt like eating.  I did have cereal this morning and for a snack I had a few chips.  I'm about to have a pb&j with Nick.  I need something to eat now.  Will update later.

Here is a pic of Alex and her boyfriend.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully your headache is gone for good. I was going to ask you did you take pics of  Alex and her new boyfriend? If you did you should post some. I have been cleaning all day.

Anonymous said...

I understand your pain.  I used to have migraines but they've gone away (knock on wood).  Especially since I retired.  I used to find a small cup of strong coffee would help ease the symptoms.  Nice looking couple..Alex and her boyfriend.  Take care Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

lucky ally...
Love ya,
Cindy :)

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))I hope you feeeling better from your migrane,I had one a long time ago and knew it was one and it was bad and I wanted to bein a dark room.I do hope you feel better.My Sis gets them bad.I am glad your doing so good on your diet.I love that pic,it is a cute one.Have a nice evneing.