Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Better mood

There is an update below:

Well, good news. My dad is out of the hospital and doing ok.  He's still tired out and can't do much yet but I'm hoping after being on meds a few days he will start cheering up.  He's 80 yrs old so I'm sure age is playing a part in that as well.  He usually walks miles every single day though so he's doing very well for 80.  That's how we knew he wasn't feeling well because all he wanted to do was sleep and that's not like him at all.  He's usually out walking or cooking or cleaning...something like that. 

Ok Diet news...I have been doing much better and did do a Uturn and today I'm heading to the soon as Cory gets home.  I have to make dinner quick and then get ready to go.  My knee hurts from falling on it yesterday but I'm going to work though's not something REAL bad but I will still take it slower. I just want to get in three days before weigh in on Sat.  Will update later today

Update:  I did not get to the gym today BUT I did work for HOURS outdoors after my sister came to visit this afternoon.  I mowed and shoveled and raked and tried to get the hills that were not level, level! It was hard work and lots of mosquitoes out there tonight too.  It was way dark when we finally got into the house.  The good thing was that I sent nick in just before me and told him to go up by daddy and that he needed a bath before bed.  He must have told dad that cuz when I got in the house dad had him in the tub already! :)  That was nice!  I had to put away all our tools and mowers and stuff so it was 1/2 hour after before I finally got in the house.  NOW I need a shower!  OH by the way...we had subs for dinner and I had a veggie which I left it alone for a few minutes and one of the dogs took it and ATE IT!  I was so ticked!  SO I only got to eat 1/2 of it!  Well, anyway...time to go get into the shower and then hit the hay!  I'm nervous about weigh in on Sat but I guess it will be what it is so I need to work hard these next few days.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear he is out of the hospital I was behind on my alerts so i'm just getting all caught up.
We all hit bumps in the road with diet and exercise but you bounced back, so kudo's!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to read that your dad is out of the hospital. But hope your knee gets better soon. GL with your weigh-in.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that your dad is home and I hope he is feeling back to his old self in no time. Don't forget to ck on the weekend of 7/21.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((HUGStoyou))))))))))))))))))000000i am so glad your dad is doing better.Have a nice night.