Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Not Broken...yet!

Here's an update:  I feel SOOO VERY stressed out right now.  It could be because of the PUPPY!  I love him to death but MAN o MAN is he a lot of work.  He is still having accidents on the floor and today he ended up with the runs...god knows from what!  Prob something he got into outdoors...so he ended up stepping in it and there were poopy puppy footprints all over the house.  All I can say is..thank GOD for the Little Green Machine! lol  It cleaned up really nicely.  It was upstairs and down..THEN...I went downstairs and while cleaning up down there I heard a HUGE crash upstairs...up I run to see if Poopy puppy is ok.  Yes, he's ok but Alex left her bowl of leftover milk and cereal on the tv table and Max decided he wanted that.  SO down it went...milk all over dish broken and Max in his kennel for a few hours so I can finish cleaning!  Poor dog knew I was mad because he didn't say one whine about being in his kennel so far.  Now, not only do i have the regular cleaning but all this extra stuff to clean up first.  Thank goodness the kids are being ok.  Although Nick bit me in the stomach so he got a time out.  Morgan felt sorry for him.  She's being really really well behaved and that really helps.  Nick is being the naughty one today.  Last night she went to bed really good...I stayed up to update my journal and by the time I was done she was out sound.

 WELL, now on the the DIET!  I ended up going into town today to bring Stefan to camp and to drop off some keys so I did stop at BK but got only a sandwich NO cheesy tots (which are my fav).  So this next week my goal is to not get ANY fast food...even if it's the healthy sandwich. I'm not eating a big dinner tonight...just a bowl of cereal and then by 8 I will be done eating.  I will also have some kind of veggies...prob carrots raw.  SO it's still going well and I'm  hanging in there.  END OF UPDATE!

It is just another beautiful day out and I'm done with breakfast and I am about to get the kids dressed.  Morgan wants to go someplace but I really have to get some cleaning done around here before it ends up getting bad.  It was really clean and now I have slacked yesterday so I need to get my butt moving. 
Nick is trying to beat on Morgan with a hammer (a blow up one) and she seems to like it! lol  They have really been playing well together and it keeps Nick occupied big time!  Morgan was reading Nick a book last night and he was just so content.  I should have taken a picture but I was falling asleep on the couch I was so tired.  Breakfast this morning was organic rice krispies with skim milk and a fruit. 

Picture from Hometown

Sometimes I am just a bad person (when it comes to dieting)...BUT the past few days I was pretty good. 

Last night I stayed up late and DID NOT EAT again.  I sure hope that weight loss really shows on Sat because I have been doing really good.  More later...I'm typing this very late and my finger hurts because I cut it while helping move some furniture. 


Anonymous said...

I'm not good at dieting anymore. I need to get focused myself and get in gear. Glad you're having success. Keep up the good work.
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

Kepp up the good work hon. :o) Sorry about your finger.
Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

Your doing better than me. How is it going with Morgan?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for pimping my journal... sorry I don't comment more often.... things are settling down more, maybe I'll have more time once I'm an old married girl. *smile*

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))))I hope your finger feels better.I am glad the kids are having fun together.Have a ncie night.