Monday, June 18, 2007

Can someone say ORGANIZE

Where do I start!  WOW I had some day yesterday.   I will start with my Niece Morgan.  I ended up bringing her home yesterday during the early afternoon.  That was my first part of the day.  Diet went very well...didn't have fast food on the way to bring her home!  *clapping for me*  I just could not take the fighting between my son and her any longer.  SHE was pretty good but Nick would NOT leave her alone.  And it didn't help that because she did not know WHAT he was going to do...every time he went near her she would whine and cry. I really need to wait until Nick gets older to do that again! is VERY quiet around her today.  Next for the day...once we get back home I went to go to Menard's...NOT listening to the tv good enough...hearing that Menard's now has the NO payment NO interest on anything purchased over 300 bucks...So i went to get my closet stuff we have been wanting.  I get there and I don't see the sign saying this!  I ask and they said NO only on appliances and cupboards!~  OH crap!  Today I had already been feeling as if I can't do anything right AT ALL and this just proves it.  SO I'm feeling down and feeling sorry for myself so I think...ok I can go to BK because I can "work it off" before next Saturdays' weigh in right?  Ya I head over there and I DO talk myself out of it!!! Yeah for me!  I was proud...I finally did something right!  OK then on the way home...Stefan calls me...mind you he is at Augsburg College for wrestling camp.  IN MN!  And he I DO need a blanket and sheets and a pillow or I will be sleeping on a dirty mattress.  Well, this was kind of my fault and his...I should have kept better track of the paper work of what the child needs to bring to camp.  Well he had set them on back of the couch and the dog or baby...whoever knocked them behind the couch and we could NOT find them.  He was sure he needed to bring a blanket and I told him why would you need to do that...they usually would provide that sort of stuff...well, no!  Not in dorm rooms.  DUH!  Another brain fart on my part.  Hey! That's a rhyme! Anyway!  So I brave walking upstairs to tell Cory that we needed to figure out a way to get him some bed gear.  He was not happy with me...but he came with me knowing that I did not want to go by myself.
So we figure since it's not his fault we better bring it to him...they are on a campus with a huge bus and no store in sight so there was no buying any.  SO we head off on our 3 hour trip there...we started at 6:30 and got there by 10:20pm...all the boys were walking around campus anyhow and bed time was 11pm so all the kids were awake.  Stefan was thrilled and said thank you, now I don't have to sleep in a dirty mattress!  lol  All in all we did have a good trip, turned off the radio and talked and had a fun time...we always do once we get on the's just GETTING packed and in the car that's stressful.  I was seriously falling asleep when we reached about an hour before home so Cory had to drive some. I felt bad asking him but when my eyes are closing I figured it was the best thing for all of us! He was sleeping somewhere there and back so he did get some sleep. Ok now the bad part...I didn't have dinner before we left because I had turned down BK remember!  Well we did end up having BK and I had a chicken sandwich and a coke!  SO yet another bad on my part.  So I did it I'm moving on and I turned it down once and I will do it again the rest of the week.  NO long trips to go on so no excuses!  I am going to they gym today also!   Well that was yesterday and I will start a new post for today.  Just wanted to fill you all in as to why I was not on last night.  First night I ate past 8pm in a long time!  I feel pretty good about that. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))Glad you had fun.Have a nice night and get some rest.