Max watches grandpas bulldozer next door! He thinks its some big monster. He barks uncontrollably at it...although I think he's finally getting used to seeing it there.
Lets see..yesterday I didn't journal but I did get to take a ride and go into town. We had one box of cookies left to deliver at a store near Stefan's school. So after being bored all day and not doing much at all, Nick and I head to town at 5:15 to pick Stefan up after practice. We dropped off the cookies, got a few things we forgot last shopping trip, said hi to a few wrestlers and parents we seen there shopping, and then we head for home. Of course as soon as we get in the truck and buckled in Nick informs me that he has to go potty! Ha. ya. ok. well, so I call my niece (we usually stop by and use her potty frequently) but she wasn't home. OH, ya it' s WED she works. So I call my sister...umm were coming over to use your She was watching the boys so Nick wanted to stay and play of course. He left without making a fuss...and we finally head home after getting some gas! Prob a good thing Nick did have to go potty because I think we would have ran out of gas on the way home. I forgot all about it! I seen the gas light as we pulled up to my sisters! We made it home after Cory 7:30 ish and I stuck dinner in the oven for tomorrow. We had leftovers yesterday (still eating the Ham i made the other day) i thought since I have the meet Thursday I will just make dinner dinner is done and I don't have to make anything tonight! YEAH! So anyway, here are some pictures from today...AND a beautiful letter from Janis over at FITBYFORTY. I just love these types of letters! Thanks Janis! I got her letter a few days ago.
Max likes to play a game with Cubby called I can fit your whole head in my mouth! I just missed it! I will try to catch it again! lol It's so funny looking! OH does Cubby get mad at him when he does that! Hey notice their little doggie name tags!? They have the pirates or the carribian on them.
Here is Janis's Christmas letter: Don't ya just love these kind?
Ok well, I'm off of here to get cleaning before I have to head out tonight for the meet. I will be back on here tomorrow with pics and videos. I sure hope he wins this's a big meet for the team.
Have a good time!
Sounds like you're busy...
I'm hoping for a night out too...even if only to target! :) lol
Hope you have a great day!
i love max I love pics of max what a face. Yup I hope you can get that pic next time. I wish I still had a little one nick makes me want on so bad. oh well keep trying I guess or praying Rachael gets pg soon. I love stay at home days I was out twice for a few horus each time yesterday and it really bugs me as Im a stay home body person. oh well but I love to see your wrestling pics nad videos. I have done two entries this week whoot whoot me. Im sending out alerts of my own now sinec aol is craping out on me. I told hubby about your meal place he is asking around but noone knows of anything i went ot he web site and it seems to be in wisconson mostly. I wish I knew you what you wold generically call it as I would google it. I tried the supper one but it was not even coming up on the web sites. Have you heard from the vet yet? I keep it in prayer. I love letters like you got as long as they are not brag letts. two people I get them from say........... we went on a cruise this eyar, and then we went to the moutions my duaghter volunttered to go skiing for a worthy cause in the aspins and earned XXX for her church youth team. OH my goshthe horror of it all shereally sacraficed didnt she lol I love my baby has grown and such and we added on or we did this but not the world tour ones
Enjoy that wrestling match tonight. The pictures are great. LOL on Max and the dozer. Helen
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