Friday, January 11, 2008

The Meet

Warning...LONG entry ahead...

Ok well...I made it to school at 4:15 and was told the fan bus leaves at 4:30pm  I waited and waited and bus showed up!  I decided to leave at 4:40 because I was afraid I was going to miss his match. I figured if I'm driving all the way there I'm going to see his match!  I figured either they canceled because they didn't have enough parents to fill the buses (kids ride a different bus)  or they left early.  Either way I wasn't on it! 
Drive the hour drive snow..thank goodness.  Make it there just in time for Stefan's match!  Whew!  I got lost in Rapids trying to find the school...the lady at the gas station told me WAY the wrong way.  My hubby finally got me on the right road via phone.  Get there and ask..."what happened to the fan bus"?  Oh it got at the school at 4:50!!!  WHAT??  Oh crap I could have waited a few min later and still made it in time because I spent 15 min looking for the dumb school after I reached town! lol  Oh well, I made it and I seen the match and man was it a line up!  We FINALLY beat them...after three years of trying we beat them!   The score was at one point 30 to 0 (Our school)  but then they ended up with a few wins and the overall score was 36 to 15!  There was as many of our parents there as there were Rapids parents but we were WAY noisier!  It was so noisy we could not even hear the buzzer's at times.  And you all know those school gym buzzers are loud!  It was pretty exciting!   I did record Stefan's match but it wasn't the best...there were no seats so I had to get it where I could.  I didn't want to leave my seat to move closer or I would have lost my seat for the rest of the night...there were people standing the way it was. 

Ok so by the time the meet was done it was almost 11pm!  Not one kid got a pin so each match was a full 6 min long!  It was a long night!~  By the time we got home it was 1am.  AND to top that off...we walk out the door to go home and SNOW!!! At least an inch of it already and it was coming down hard.  YEAH!  This is why I wanted to take the bus lol.  So we all drove 50 on the way home and it was quite slippery.  I followed the buses in hopes they would blow some of the snow off the road. lol  Turned out I could not see most of the way home because of the blowing snow!  
Well, we made it back home and while going through our tiny town my van starts sliding sideways...I do what we learned in driving school and turn into the slide...don't touch the brakes!  Ok did that...still sliding...try pumping the breaks a bit, that didn't work.  Sliding right towards a telephone pole and nothing is working to break the slide...finally we hit the snow pile and we were literally inches from the pole!  WHEW!! Can anyone say adrenaline!  lol I was WIDE awake now!

Ok so now were in the house and Stefan was sleeping up on the couch so he went up there...he comes running down and says "MOM, your going to be so mad at Max AND dad!"  I say "OMG, WHY!?"  He then says...Max chewed on the couch cushion upstairs!  I get sick to my stomach and say O crap! *not what I really said* but lets put it this way...Max was going to be at a new home!  *not really* but I was MAD!  I went up there not wanting to even look and then Stefan starts laughing!!!!! Couch was fine and Max was laying peacefully on it like a good dog should be. Stefan still alive you ask???? HUH  Barely!  I beat him up pretty badly after that!  Little brat! lol
By the time I finally got to sleep ( I got a heck of a cold) it was about 2:30 am. 
Got up, we ate dinner at 6:30...could not do the 5:30 thing this morning! lol 
Then this morning...CORY decided to take the toilet paper and move it WAY over on the other side of the counter in the bathroom...Nick happened to be sitting watching me (KIDs) and so I ask him...can you get the TP for me!?  He says Um sorry!  And leaves the room!!!!  YUP he just left! lol  What a turkey! 
I didnt' do corrections on spelling cuz I have to run and bring MIL to another treatment right now so I'm going to save this quick and off I go!  Will update with video later ;) 


Anonymous said...

Wow--you've had a busy week. I haven't been on for a while as we have been having internet problems!  It's been pretty crazy and I have a gazillion emails to try to get through...don't think it is happening! :)

Congrats to your son! :)


Anonymous said...

LOL that was hilarious what stefan did to you! He knows what to say to get to you. Nick telling you sorry and walking away! LOL too funny!

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it to the match on time to see Stefan's match. Your kids are a riot! I can imagine your house is always hopping. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I've been having my own "dog chews the couch" issues, so I would have KILLED that kid!  LOL!!!   :-)  Glad you made it to the match, and especially glad you made it through the snow and sliding and snow drifts without hitting the pole!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a better day! LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh it's things like this as to why i don't drive on the snow...I would have been a nervous wreck!!!  Glad you came to a stop and didn't have an accident....

Haha...I bet you were ready to beat Max until Stefan told you different...hehe


Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to go and get home safely. Sounds like you had a drive now. LOL little brat Stefan, but he had you going. Poor Max he's like I'm innocent really. Hope your MIL is doing okay.
Take care, Chrissie