Thursday, January 17, 2008

PB pics&SNOW pic/video what some will do for caffeine!

I had a request to see pics of our potato burger...the sad thing is I didn't have hamburger so you will have to picture that added lol.

Lori, this is for you:

Bake your potato and cut open...fluff up the pulp inside with fork.   

Add a pad of butter and 1/4 cup browned ground hamb (not pictured cuz I didn't have any)

then add shredded cheddar cheese and microwave for one minute and add a dab of sour cream on top

Ok...wanna know what some people will do for caffeine!?  I will show you!

Here is right after we pulled out of our driveway...the roads are pretty white!


Here is the end our little road and here is where I could NOT move!  I  had to back up to get a running start after making sure there was not traffic that is!  

Here is our highway!  It's pretty white as well lol. The only things I really seen on the road were semi's and I did see one truck.

I made it into town and it's quiet here too.  There were several people at the gas station but I think they were the ones taking a break and getting off the freeway for a bit.  That was just as bad...plowshave not been out yet.  No schools canceled as of yet.  It's after one now so they may not even cancel them. 

Heading back home...I love this part of our street...always looks pretty.

Nick enjoys his sucker he got at the gas station...he loved the snow! 

There is our house across the field. are a few videos...I took the first one after it first started snowing and the second one is of Max and how much he really likes to get in the house ASAP after doing his deed!  lol  He's so funny!


Anonymous said...

The potato burger looks SOO yum!  And I got 25 pounds of potatoes for $5 the other day, so I have PLENTY of potatoes to do this with!  I may do it tonight!  LOL!  after I clean the kitchen!  Your kids are SO cute, Carrie!  And Max.....that was HILARIOUS!!!!  

Anonymous said...

Those snow scenes were so pretty. Max was sooo funny in the video LOL. Thanks for sharing. Helen

Anonymous said...

We've ended up with more snow that what was forcasted!  Darn!  Loved your pictures and video.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the pictures and video really show how still and quiet things can be when it is snowy. Max was too funny I could hear him huffing and puffing scooting around in that snow!

Anonymous said...

Loved all the snow and I wish I lived where you lived it looks quiet and private. I love to see snow in fields its beautiful. We haven't gotten any of that yet.
Max is crazy that is too funny, but if you think about it he's probably freezing.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie