Thursday, January 17, 2008

Why don't I take Nic with me to the wrestling meets?

This one is just a little clue as to what Nic was like to take to a wrestling meet...he would do this WHILE everyone was wrestling too...if U try to make him stay on the bench he would throw his little fit and make a big deal about it. HE wanted to wrestle too!    THIS is why dad stays home with him.  At least for now!   I can't watch him and try to record Stefan wrestle at the same time.  lol


Anonymous said...

yeah...looks like he's a pain in the hiney at meets!!  But, and again, I say, he's SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!  Sometimes that makes up for it, ya think?  LOL!

Anonymous said...

He's So cute!  Bet he sure keeps you busy! lol


Anonymous said...

YIKES now I see whatcha mean. It's because he's trapped in the house all day when he gets out he wants to run free. Can't blame him I mean he's THREE. I love how you're all calm that's how we are, but usually everyone around us is doing the stare or making comments and you just wanna jump down their throats. My daughter gets so mad usually IF someone stares at Kyan because he's crying or being bad she'll say loudly My God people act like they've never seen a kid before. He's three. LOL and they usually shut up or stop starring.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie